Sleeping Beauty (26)

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You close your eyes and try to relax as your body leans on the seat for support. Jimin quietly drives you home as he notices how exhausted and stressed you seemed.

Once the car arrives at your apartment, Jimin leans over your seat and carefully presses a button to lower the back of your chair down for you to be more comfortable. He quietly takes off his thin jacket and covers your body with it, just in case you were somewhat cold. As time passes by silently, Jimin leans back in his seat and turns to look at your sleeping face.

Jimin POV-----

Her face is so innocent and beautiful. How could I not have noticed such a kind hearted person like her. If she would ever accept me and my career, I would hope that she can be someone dear to my heart.

Narrator POV-----

Jimin sighs in happiness as he feels thankful for ever being able to meet you. He eventually closes his eyes and decides to take a short nap as well.

"ugghh," You let out a slight groan as you wake up with an uncomfortable neck ache.

"Jimin-ah, wake up."

"Nae? (yes)" Jimin immediately sits up to your call.

"Mianheyo. (sorry) I didn't know I had fallen asleep. You should have told me to wake up."

"It's fine. I'm glad you had a little rest." Jimin smiles at as he sees that you seem a little more awake now.

"I'll get going then. Thank you for everything! I enjoyed spending time with you today!" You open the car door and slightly bow as you leave.

{Y/N} POV------

I can't believe Jimin saw me sleep!!! Gosh I'm so clumsy!

Narrator POV-------

You walk with a light bounce at every step as you head to your apartment. You couldn't help but feel so happy inside after today's outing with Jimin.

Right as you walk into your house, an unfamiliar number calls in.

Ring Ring Ring...


"{Y/N}, its been a while since I've called you. Do you miss me?"

"Dylan, drop that tone of yours. What do you want from me?" Knowing that it was Dylan, you begin talking in english to quicken the conversation.

"Oh dear, someone sounds hurt. Do you want me to come to your place and give you a kiss to heal that booboo on your heart?" Dylan chuckles at the hurtful joke he had just made.

"Well I don't have time to talk to an irrelevant person like you. If you want to talk to me next time, meet me in person like a mature man and talk to me."

"Good thing we both work at the same place. I'll see you often?"

"Shut up. Hey! How'd you even get my num-" Dylan hangs up eruptly, leaving you stunned from the incident.

You sit down on your white leather couch and contemplate whether you should call Suzy over to explained what had happened, but in the end, you thought it would be better to just not disturb her.

------------4 hours later


You open the door to greet a women with shoulder length straightened hair. Her ends were green and her vibe was so charismatic.

"Jiyoon Unnie! I'm glad you could make it over!" You hug your friend who was the closest person to you so far in the internship.

"Your place looks awesome! Mmmmm, and what are you cooking? It smells wonderful!"

"Just put together some dinner for us. Why did you bother buying stuff?" Jiyoon had came with two bags full of beer and fried chicken.

"Just accept it! Tonight's gonna be great {Y/N}!!"

Ya'll sat down at your dinning table and ate a small dinner to save your stomaches for the fried chicken and beer. You quickly cleaned up the table and set up the fried chicken and beer in front of the TV. Today was going to be a your first girl's night in Korea.

"So...." Jiyoon hesitates to say the next phrase. "Who's your crush?"

"No one unnie. I haven't had time to lay eyes on anyone anyways."

"Oh stop! Have you heard about that hottie in our internship program? Shin Heosok? Or should I say Wonho? He is totally a killer! Even the patients drool as they see him walk by!" Jiyoon takes the first sip of her beer.

"If he's a total lady killer then why haven't I seen him?"

"Becuase you've been on call duty all week in the emergency room. Tomorrow I'll take you to go see him. I promise, No regrets!"


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