VII Party Preparations

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Above is the dress that I sort of mean- it has like an exposed back and stuff. ENJOY.

The mall. My favourite but least favourite place at the same time. I mean shopping is the best. Who doesn't love getting new things. But when you don't know what to buy or wear- that is when life gets difficult. I walk through the double doors. This is the only mall in this town and I don't know how to feel about that. It isn't small but it isn't big either. In Sydney I just walked around the city to any store I layed my eyes on. But here I have to hunt a little bit since I know nothing about these American shops. I really only recognize H&M and have only heard about Macy's. The inside looks quite new and like any other mall. There are some restaurants and then escalators up to the other shops. I look around for a bit checking out which shops look good and which don't, stressing out a little bit that I won't find a dress for the party with Archie in a couple of days. I sigh and sit down on one of the benches. Things like this I would've found fun a couple of months ago. Suddenly I feel a presence sit down on the other side of the bench- to the back of me. I snap my head around quickly slightly panicking that this could be a kidnapper only to find the devil himself- Archie Parker.

"Why hello there," he winks. I scowl at him.

"I thought you were a murderer or something!" He just laughs at this and gets up.

"C'mon we're getting lunch." He says, grabbing my arm and leading me over to a café. He is so obnoxiously bossy sometimes.

"What! No. I'm here to buy an outfit for the party. Wait what are you even doing here! How did you know I was here" I say to him trying to get his grip off my arm. "Wait..." I begin. "Did you follow me? Did you freaking follow me here?" I grill him. He laughs his normal chuckle.

"Don't flatter yourself sweetheart. I was getting myself some groceries and saw you over here." He holds up a full plastic bag of groceries. I still look at him suspiciously.

"I'll tell you what. If you get lunch with me I'll help you find an outfit for the party. Assuming that's what you're here for," He says. I think about it. I mean I don't really know the stores well so having someone like Archie could help. But I can't exactly trust him to actually help me with the mood swings and annoying attitude he possesses. I sigh and look up to him.

"Okay but you have to promise to be serious!" I say.

"No worries chicken," he winks. "Although you are very short but I'm sure we'll find something."

"I am not short Archie!" I whack his arm. I don't know where he gets this 'me being short' idea from. I am far from short and one of the tallest girls I know.

"Whatever," he shrugs me off and begins to lead me back to the café. I didn't notice before but Archie looks really hot. Not that I care. He's wearing a plain white t-shirt with black jeans and converse and it looks so good on him. I can see through the t-shirt to see his amazing abs and biceps moving underneath. But looking at his back I notice something- A dark spot that looks like...a tattoo? That definitely is weird. Archie is a high school student and it seems odd that he would already have a tattoo. Although I wouldn't be surprised if it was. I don't want to ask him about it now in case it ruins his good mood so I just let the waiter there seat us down in a booth and hand us the menus. I hadn't noticed it before but I am very hungry. I scroll down the menu before definitely going with the burger. I put down my menu and catch Archie staring at me over the top of his.

"What?" I ask him, suddenly self-conscious about if there is something on my face. "Is something on my face?" I panic wiping around my mouth. I bet its toothpaste. Clumsy me.

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