XIII Recovery

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Unedited and short. Sorry!! It is out on time though! See end of chapter for date of next chapter. Archie above. Enjoy.  


Carly insists there was no one there but it felt so real. I'm back in my bedroom at the hotel. I haven't eaten, slept or even gotten out of the bed since the incident. I remember it all, and so vividly too. If Carly hadn't seen the missed call and been able to track my location through the police, I could have been God knows where. I sob again, adding to the puddle of tears. I saw a man there, I know that much, but who it was is another question. I hear the door creak open and a concerned face appears above me. I pretend to be asleep.

"Lex honey? Lexie-bum! Lex Luthor wakey wakey," a warm voice sings to me. "Lexa, I know you're not asleep," she gives up. I open my eyes but avoid looking up at her. I can see her blonde hair and bright eyes looking sadly down at me.

"Lex, you haven't eaten in days. I got you a donut, its downstairs," Carly smiles. I still don't look at her. I hate to shut her out but I'm worried if I open my mouth or even move it will all be too much. I curl tighter into the covers and screw my eyes shut. Suddenly, I feel a warmth and I realise Carly is hugging me. I savour it, remembering what it's like to have a best friend and for a moment happy memories of our childhood fill my mind instead of the darkness. Carly has been fussing over me the past couple of days since the incident; bringing coffee and food and even bringing Linda up from her café to say hello. But not even Linda could bring me out of this dark dark place. The doctors came and went, chatting in hushed whispers to Carly outside the door. Little did they and she know, that I could hear them.

"There's nothing we can do. She's not injured physically from the incident. The meds she's on are the only thing medically that can help right now. We'll be able to treat her better when she's ready," one of them said.

"But don't you have like anti-depressants? Can't you zap her brain or something?" Carly begged each and every doctor. But the reply was always the same; "Miss we are sorry but this is severe grief that Lexa is experiencing. We've helped deal with her anxiety but we can't do much more than that at this point in time."

I'm thankful I have her. After a while she sits back up and I look back up as well. I look at her for the first time in a while. She's staring at the wall and I realise she's crying. She sees me looking and wipes away her tears.

"You'll get better Lex, I promise," she says, her blue eyes shining down at me before she gets up. "Please come downstairs soon," she whispers and walks out of the door. I look back up at the ceiling and after I've study the whiteness of it for what seems like eternity, I finally succumb to the sleepiness and feel myself drift off.


I wake up to the sun shining down onto my face. It's early in the morning. I feel better now, after a little sleep. I stretch, feeling every single bone in my body crack. I feel stiff but much more refreshed and suddenly I feel motivated to get up. I pull on some tracksuit pants and a sweater and tie my disgusting hair into a messy bun. I'm hungry as hell. I walk out of the room, calling out for Carly when I stop dead in my tracks at the lounge to find a greying man and elegant woman staring at me with concerned faces across from Carly, who's refusing to give me eye contact. I know then exactly what comes next; I'm being shipped back to the US.

Five hours later and a whole lot of awkward silence, Carly and her parents who returned all the way from their trip are dropping me off at Sydney Airport for my long flight back to my family. The whole time I feel as though I'm made of ice. I just stand, stiff and cold as they hug me and Carly sobs into my shoulder. "I'll come visit Lexa, I promise," she sniffs. I'm scared. I admit it. To go back there. Its where Archie is and I don't want to see him. He's caused me too much pain. Regardless, I get on the plane, refusing to show how scared I am, looking up at the blank window I know Carly is standing behind.

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