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Hey guys! I know I promised another update last week but I never got around to it but I am working on it. But I also promised a special chapter about Lexa's past and as promised, here it is.  

It is set nearly 2 years in the past when Lexa still lived in Sydney and gives an insight into what she 'used' to be like. She would've been 15 since her 17th birthday will not have been yet where the book is actually up to.  A pic of GiGi above that you can enjoy.


*Almost 2 years previous*

The sun glitters down on my closed eyes, warming my face. The swirling sounds of the waves, rolling into the shore fill my ears. The hot sand sears my back and is rough but comforting against my skin. My lips are cracked and salty from my afternoon swim, the slight taste of saltiness still lingering in the back of my throat. It is Christmas Eve on a typical hot Australian summer's day. I am lying on the beach in the bikinis I have basically lived this whole summer in. My skin has a sun-kissed look about it, glowing and tan. I suppose I should go back home, to get ready for my Christmas Eve Dinner. But, first I decide to drop by the shops and find some new shoes. I need some for tomorrow. I pull on a t-shirt and shorts over my now dry bikinis, slip on my designer thongs and skip along the sand towards the bus. 


I walk down the street, the familiar golden luxurious signs gleaming down on me. A glance in the mirror shows my golden hair flowing out behind me, residue of sand still sticking to my tan skin. I look for the shop I am looking for; my favourite boutique and stroll in. I immediately smell the oh so familiar scent of vanilla candles and new shoes. The marble floor is as shiny as it has always been and the selection of designer shoes are placed delicately on the white shelving, illuminated by the bright lighting that showcases them. The chandelier above me, glitters furiously creating the pattern of sparkling dots on the french-wallpapered walls from its many diamonds. The soothing classical music calms me as I scroll my eyes of the many pairs of unique shoes. I need to find the best ones possible to impress at the Christmas party tomorrow. I run my hand over the heels before a voice behind me makes me jolt. 

  "Alexis!" says a familiar voice. I turn to find the glamorous make-up caked face that I recognise as the owner of the shop, Chantelle. 

"Chantelle!" I smile back kissing her on both cheeks. She is a short woman of about 35 in huge glittering heels and a tight white dress, rings covering each of her fingers and her large signature diamond pendant, swaying from her neck. 

"My dear! What are you wearing? It is Christmas Eve!" She says eyeing me very judgmentally up and down. 

"I was at the beach Chantelle," I explain. "Would you be able to help me find some shoes to wear  tomorrow?" I ask her. 

"Yes of course poppy," she replies leading me over to her computer to look through her stocks. "What will you be wearing them with?"

"A gold, bodycon Chanel dress," I reply, remembering the tight-fitting dress I know girls will eye jealously tomorrow at the party and guys will drop their jaws at. 

"Ah I have the perfect ones," she nods at her screen. "Two seconds poppy, they're out the back for safekeeping," she says as she totters off in her large heels to the back of the store. When she returns, I can't believe my eyes as she hands me some gorgeous nude suede shoes with lace up detail and pointy closed toes. "They're Gucci Custom Made Limited Edition," she elaborates. "Made for someone who didn't end up buying them." I squeal in excitement. They are gorgeous.

"Lemme see if they fit!" I say enthusiastically, sitting down on a stool reaching my hand out to the shoes. I really am in my element. I slide them on and to my relief they fit perfectly and look gorgeous and dainty. Perfect. "I'll take em whatever the price," I say to Chantelle knowing perfectly well they will drain my monthly allowance. 

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