I Moving Day

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Note: this story will contain frequent swearing and sexual references.
Parts of this story will contain content related to themes such as anxiety/depression/mental health, panic attacks, rape (insinuation and mention only), bullying and cyber bullying. If these are triggers for you, please be cautious when choosing to read this novel.
If you are a victim of any of these issues, you can get help from appropriate helplines or by discussing with a professional or family or friends. Help is always there from at least someone so please don't suffer in silence :). The links below contain some lists of helplines in Australia if you are ever in need.
I know this book seems cliche and probably totally predictable, but I love reading these kind of books because they are cute so sorry if it seems cliche and cheesy. Please feel free to comment any mistakes. I write on my phone sometimes and there most likely will be some mistakes. I really appreciate any feedback, so sit back and enjoy! If you have any questions tweet me- @ayfd9.

I awake suddenly as the car comes to a sudden halt. I lift my head from the window, my eyes groggy and adjusting to the glaring sun. I blink until the interior of our car comes into focus.

"Argh mum, what the hell?" I say, utterly confused as to where I am.

"We're here Alexis!" she replies a bit too enthusiastically. I haven't seen her this piped up in days. It's only when she's distracted that she gets this excited...

As I take in my unfamiliar surroundings, everything comes back to me. I am arriving at my new home town. Some random place at God knows where, where I will be living for the rest of my two high school years. I am used to big, vibrant, busy cities, not small, drab, quiet towns. I wearily rub my crusty eyes and yawn stretching out my cramped up body. I turn to see my two twin older brothers , Seth and Logan still fast asleep beside me.

"Oi, doofuses get up," I nudge them as they stir. My little brother, Joey is still sleeping in the front seat snoring. I hold my hand to my pounding headache. Sleeping in the car was not fun. Finally, I muster up enough energy to remove myself from the car. I take a look around at the crappy small-town street. The road cracked and uneven and the lines are very faded, suggesting it hasn't had maintenance in years. One side of the street contains a row of neat two story houses, all painted white. Most of them have swings and little kid's stuff so I assume they are family homes. I screw up my nose at the thought of spending the rest of my high school life here. I look up at the house that we will now live in. There are only three houses on this side of the street with fairly large spaces between them, unlike the other side of the street. A creek of some sort stretches out behind them revealing a dense and bushy forest.  Two of the houses are like the ones across the road but our house is completely different. It is quite modern, painted grey and two stories high. It has a square kind of look and whoever designed it must have been a professional as it includes stone and wood and an odd, unique but ultramodern shape. I remember mum telling me it was created as a getaway house for some business man probably for some mistress he was cheating on his wife with. It has large windows across the right side which I assume are the bedrooms. Seeing as there are two rooms with big windows, I know one is for my mum, and one is for one of us kids. I realise my opportunity and smile greedily as my mother begins to open the front door. At least one thing is going to be positive. I am going to get the best bedroom.

I barely take a second glance at the kitchen and lounge which are downstairs before I race up the timber staircase, tripping in my long pyjama pants (I had worn them for the car drive from the airport) and cutting my chin on the top step, but I couldn't care less. I can see the twins coming up fast behind me. Finally, I make it up the stairs, panting and spluttering before I burst through the first bedroom on the right. "SHOTGUN MINE!" I shout to everyone before I slam the white door behind me in excitement. I had gotten the best room! SCORE. I draw the curtains to the large floor to roof window which reveals the neighbors house but more importantly, the vast forest behind the street of my house and the trickling creek. Ah serenity. I hear my brothers fighting with my mum downstairs but I am over the moon. I thank the world for giving me the room and lie on the bare carpet. It is the perfect "girl pad" for me with the white walls and lush grey carpet. I look over to the left to see my very own walk in wardrobe which leads into a bathroom. There are 3 bathrooms in the house meaning the boys all have to share the main bathroom. I chuckle to myself thinking how funny it will be to see the twins argue over the bathroom with little Joey. I enter my en-suite and see a large shower with one of those huge shower heads and a vanity full of drawers. It is amazing. I sit back down in my new room, forgetting for a moment my resentment of coming here and forgetting how much I miss my old home. And other things.
I plug my phone into the speakers and Imagine Dragons blasts throughout the room. The good thing about this architecturally designed house is that the bedrooms are designed to muffle sound so I can play my music loud. The movers moved our stuff into the rooms and I now have my big king sized bed, Xbox and flat screen TV in my room. My walk in closet is full of my clothes and I am so very comfortable. My bed is right next to the large window looking out towards the mysterious forest. I flop down onto it and open my laptop to message my best friend, Carly who still lives in Sydney, my old home.

Just as I log on, I hear the doorbell go off and mum calls, "Alexis, Joe, Seth, Logan come down here. The neighbours want to say hi!" Argh I hate being called by my full name. Everyone just calls me Lexa or occasionally Lexi, back in Sydney. I drag myself off of the bed and into the hall, lazily wandering down the stairs. I look down at my outfit: a hoodie, bright pink fluffy socks and gray track pants. But I figure that the neighbours only have little kids like the rest of the street so I don't  bother changing. My hair is a mess and I am pretty sure I look like a zombie but they wouldn't care. I haven't really been downstairs since I got here and so my eyes widen for a moment as I take in the new furniture in the space before going to the front door where mum is. But, as I turn to the front door, I literally feel my jaw drop. There standing in a God-like pose at the glory of my new front door is the most gorgeous boy I have ever seen. In his hands are some flowers and cookies but more importantly his tousled, dark brown hair frames his face perfectly. His sharp jaw line and tanned skin just add to his features. He is wearing a plain grey tee which clings to rippling muscles along his stomach and arms. He looks bored but somehow radiates confidence off his tan skin, holding the gifts as my mum takes them from him, thanking him and slapping him lightly on the cheek. Argh she is so embarrassing. As I walk towards the door more I can see next to him is a woman aged about the same as my mum and a little Asian girl probably the same age as Joe: eight.

"There you are Alexis," my mum smiles, beckoning for me to come closer next to the twins and Joe. "Meet our new neighbours! This is Mrs Parker" she says pointing to the older woman who I assumed was the mother of the sexy being standing in front of me.

"This is Lucie," she points to the little asian girl who I assume is adopted. "And this is Archie," she finally points to the boy. Oh such a hot name! Up close he is very very tall, probably 6'3 and so much hotter. He has the greenest emerald eyes, like the ocean, brimming with cerulean blue and mossy green, radiating a subtle warmth. I almost get lost in them, the green of them is almost impossible, just a swirling void of emerald.

"I think he's in your year!" I hear my my mum exclaim in my dreamy state, but I am too busy getting lost in this boy's eyes. "And everyone, this is Alexis," my mum smiles proudly, patting me on the head. I snap out of my trance.

"Actually mum," I say through gritted teeth. "You can call me Lexa." I smile shaking hands with Mrs Parker.

"You can call me Jane," she smiles. She is such a nice looking woman with huge twinkling eyes, flowing brown hair  and a huge smile. I nod to Lucie and I crookedly smile at Archie. He smirks at me.

"Hey sweetheart," he winks and I almost melt before realising I am basically wearing my pyjamas. Shit. Shit. Shit. He probably thinks I'm some kind of wicked witch with this getup. Why couldn't I come down in something appropriate? I clench my jaw, trying hard not to just dig myself into a hole outside and never come out. My mum invites Lucie and Jane inside while Archie stands outside still.

"Nice outfit shorty." He points to my tracksuit. Shorty? I am not short! I am a nice 5'9. Who the hell was he calling short.

"I'm not short!" I blurt out. Me and my big mouth.

"Whatever," he waves me away. Wow this guy has some ego issues. My dreamy image of him starts to float away like that. Why can't there be a hot guy who is genuinely nice. While I have been having such a pleasant chat with Mr Hot-but-awfully-mean, my mum has resided in the lounge with the twins, Joe and our new neighbours. Archie pushes past me and into my lounge. Boy this guy has issues. I glare at him, closing the front door behind him before storming upstairs to change my clothes. That's how I met the bad boy. And boy, he infuriates me already!

Ps. The picture is sort of what I imagine Archie to look like. The model is jake cooper.

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