XXIX Cats Have Nine Lives, I Have One

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This is a piece of shit chapter, sorry. I've had no time this week. I promise next chapter will be longer and edited but this will have to do for now!


As Archie turns away from me, I turn away too. Sobbing. The tears start streaming down my face. Everyone is looking at me, whispering. Probably wondering why this girl who's barely at school is crying over the school badboy. I can only imagine what they are thinking. I shake away my thoughts, still frozen in the hall. I have to get away. I have to get away is all I can think. I rush over to the toilets, supressing the tears for a moment to allow myself to make it to the shower cubicle and then collapse on the wet ground, the eruption of sadness and betrayal taking over. I take loud, shivering sobs as my tears meet the wet ground beneath me. Why. Why. Why. Why would he break my heart like that when I need him most. I stay there until recess is over and then second period. Eventually I run out of tears and just stare blankly at the wall. People come and go wondering who's crying in the last cubicle and why. Eventually, my savior comes. Kat.

"Babe, what's going on here?" she knocks on the door. "Why dontcha let me in and tell me all about it?"

"Leave me alone, Kat," is all I blurt out. I don't want to near anyone right now.

"Hon, I'll break down this door if you don't let me in," is all she replies. I can see her black converse covered foot tapping the ground impatiently.

"Do it then," I challenge her. She won't actually do it. Suddenly, the door shakes violently and I turn around in shock. For a moment I think she is trying to break down the door but her head appears over the cubicle and she does some kind of parkour move to lower herself down on the other side.

"What the hell, Kat!? I could've been naked!" I protest.

"Well, you weren't," she smirks, dusting off her hands.

"Leave me alone," I turn back to the wall tears forming in my eyes again.

"Lexa," I turn and her eyes soften. "Come here," she reaches over to me pulling me into a hug. "You opened up to me once. Why don't you do it again? You know I don't judge babe but you should let it all out. It feels better. Trust me."

I do trust her. Almost as much as Carly or even more. There's something about Kat that says she will never betray you and she'd give her life for someone she loves. I respect that. But can I really tell her everything? I stare at the wall for another few seconds. Yes. I told her my problems once, I can tell them again.

"You're a good friend," I finally reply. She just smiles at me. A genuine smile, not her confident smirk. So I tell her. I tell her about dating Archie and then our adventures before being hauled off to Sydney. I tell her about my dad through heavy sobs and lots of tears and she hugs me close.

"I lost my dad too, though I barely knew him," she says to me.

"I'm sorry," I say.

"I'm sorry too," she replies. "He was a soldier, so mentally scarred from being in warzones that he wasn't even allowed near me. Eventually he died drink driving. I never really knew him," she looks at the ground. "Sometimes I wish I did though. I wish he wasn't a soldier and he was the happy man I used to see in old photographs. Anyway, continue your story," Kat snaps back to supportive in an instant.

"And then...and then Archie broke up with me," I state. For a moment I stay quiet and turn just as I catch shock rippling over Kat's face.

"He broke up with you?" she repeats. I try not to make my voice wobble or the tears come but fail.

"Y-y-es," I manage to say. "He said he wasn't "good" for me"," I say before a torrent of tears begins to slide down my cheek.

"What bullshit. What the fuck. I'm going to kill that boy," says Kat.

"He won't even explain. He just left the hotel," I whimper. Kat shakes her head in disbelief and hugs me tight.

"I'm gonna need a smoke for this," she pulls out a cigarette. "Wait hang on," she climbs on top of the side of the cubicle and disables the smoke alarm. She lights it and sits back in the cubicle. The smoke is choking and gross but it sort of calms me in a way even though I'm not the one actually smoking the cigarette.

"Wanna try," Kat grins at my fascination. I shake my head. I'll never try a cigarette. "Good. Gorgeous girls like you shouldn't ruin themselves with these devils," she sneers at the cigarette.

"Well...why do you smoke?" I ask her, genuinely curious.

"Because my ex-stepdad took away my choice. He gave me them age 13 and I've had to smoke them ever since. I'm not the same if I don't," she sighs. "Thank god my mum broke up with that douche. Don't worry, she has a much better husband now," she smiles at me.

"Oh," is all I can reply. "You seem like you've been through a lot,"

"I have nine lives. That's what people always say. Anyway, I was thinking..." she takes another puff of her cigarette. "Why don't you come with me to a little study camp this weekend? You can get stuff off of your mind for a bit. I'll tell you about my nine lives then. What do you say?"

"What do you mean a 'study camp'," I inquire.

"Oh it's just a thing my parents make me do. We stay in some cabins in the woods and learn tips for studying and shit. You know, learn some better ways to solve algebra and stuff," she shrugs. "What do you say?" she repeats. It does kind of sound a lot better than sitting in my room staring at the wall.

"Okay," I say.

"Knew you'd be up for it. Don't worry it'll be fun and Donnie will be there too because I forced him to come and I think Theo might go too now that you are," she grins. "We'll have good fun!" I smile weakly back. "Anyway, it's almost the end of the day. Do you need a ride home?"

"WHAT?" I blurt out. It's almost the end of the day what the hell. What the hell. I've been in here all freaking day.

"I don't smell that much, Jesus. Is it the smoking?" Kat jokes.

"No I'd love a ride home but-but I've been in here all day!?"

"Yep," Kat says like it's the most normal thing ever. "Took me so long to find you today, you know that? People thought you were still on 'holidays'." I sigh.

"Okay I guess we should go then. My mum's already going to be mad when she finds out," I shiver, thinking about her reaction. Although, the study group might alleviate her anger a bit. I manage to stand up. My ass is pretty wet and so is my bag but I don't really care at this point. No one is in the halls because the bell hasn't actually rung yet. I check my phone. Sure enough, it is about two minutes from the end of the day. We hop into Kat's car. She has a little black hatchback that suits her so well. We don't talk in the car. We only listen to Kat's loud rock music. When we reach my house after I've directed her, she finally speaks to me.

"I'll email you the forms and info about the camp. It's sort of due tomorrow. I can't believe all the forms for just a one and a half day camp. Anyway, catcha tomorrow. I gotta go to work," she grins, driving off.

"Bye," I wave back, turning to walk inside the house. I sigh. I have a lot of explaining to do to my mum. But first I decide I'm going to treat myself to some Netflix in my dark room. It's the least I deserve after my awful day.




Sat 14 January 7:00pm CDT (central daylight time USA)

Australia: Sun 15 January 10:30am ACDT (Australian Central Daylight Time)

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