Chapter 14: Tic Tac Toe

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This chapter is dedicated to Ravenclaw_FTW for always being supportive, commenting, and voting! Go check out their stories!

My eyes looked up to see a cherry red faced ginger standing in the doorway. He looked like he was about to kill Greenwood any moment now. Greenwood and I were kind of like siblings now, I needed to stand up for him.

Before Greenwood could even think of what to say, I spoke up. "Who are you to tell Greenwood to get away from me?" Both Jerome and Greenwood snapped their necks towards me. "What?" Jerome asked. "You heard me." I said, I stood up and got right into Jerome's face. "And if I want to hang out with Greenwood, then I will."

Jerome stared at me with a shocked look, it was like he couldn't move. It was kind of weird, Jerome wasn't smiling. Well, there's a first. He leaned in even closer, I should have probably stopped making eye contact but I wanted to stand my ground. "Please do explain, why exactly you want to hang out with him?" Jerome asked, he smelled like fresh cotton and mint.

"He is almost like a brother to me. And I'm not going to let you tell me that I can't hang out with my brother." I said, I had a fire going. Our noses were almost touching, I tried not to blush. Jerome then smiled, and broke out into laughter. I walked back over and sat by Greenwood. "When exactly did he lose his mind?" I asked him. Greenwood shrugged, unable to answer the question.


I sat in the kitchen and scrawled another X onto the small napkin, slightly ripping it. Greenwood placed an O in the corner and smiled, "I win." I let Greenwood win this time. I had already beat him twice because (no offense) I was a lot more brighter than him. His intelligence was like a dull knife, which I am sorry to say.

I nodded and smiled, "Indeed you do, do you want anything to eat?" "Nah, I'm good." Greenwood said. I shrugged and got up to see what was in the fridge. The fridge was full of many different types of things, from apples to chocolate.

I grabbed a toffee chocolate bar, I had never had one before. I sat down and began to chomp on it as Greenwood made his first move (an O right in the center). I scribbled down another X as someone new entered the kitchen. A tan, skinny man with big bulging eyes entered the room and quietly scampered over to the fridge.

He began to rummage through the fridge when he glanced over at me, he stopped. He slowly closed the fridge and just stood there and stared at us, he reminded me of a filthy rat. "Arnold, what the hell are you doing?" Greenwood asked, slouched downwards into his chair.

Arnold shook his head and walked over towards us, "Isn't she the.....the umm-" "What, the doll?" I asked him. He just opened and closed his mouth, "No, I just....never mind." With that Arnold scurried out of the room as fast as he came.

Why was he acting weird? Almost kind of scared......wait, maybe he remembered what happened last night! "Hey Greenwood, want to take five?" I asked innocently. "Yeah, this is starting to bore me." He said throwing the paper aside carelessly.

I nodded, "I'll be right back." I then hurried out of the room right after Arnold. I needed answer, or else my thirst for knowledge of what happened would never be fulfilled. I crept around the house until I found him in the living room staring out a window.

"Beautiful sight, isn't it?" I asked. He whipped around as I approached him, "P-p-please.....don't h-hurt me." I stopped for a moment, hurt him? I softened, "Arnold, I don't know what your talking about. Look, let me cut to the chase. I can't remember what happened last night during the fight, and I need you to fill in the gaps."

I sat down on the coach and awaited for Arnold's answer, who still just stood there and stared at me wide eyed. I raised an eyebrow, what the hell was wrong with him? Arnold gulped, "You guys went right at each other."

And as Arnold talked about what happened, my memories slowly started to become more clear.

Right Before the Fight.....

Greenwood grabbed a cutlass and I reached for a hammer. Yep, that's right. Your normal everyday hammer, that was my weapon. I had a plan, and tonight was my night for victory.

Before I could say go Greenwood charged at me. I ran towards him ready to make kick his ass......wait I mean butt. Dang it, I had to stop swearing. As he lifted his sword to try and cut my right down the middle, I swerved to the right and smashed my hammer right into his stomach.

He fell backwards and hit the ground hard, I swear I heard his head crack."Ouch, that's gonna leave a mark." I said playfully, I giggled. Ok, now I know for sure there's something seriously wrong with me. In a flash Greenwood had gotten up and took a swing at me. I tried to dodge it, but he opened up the stitches on my arm again.

I bit my tongue and ignored all the pain, blood then began to gush out all over the floor.

Back to the present.....

"I ran to the bathroom and threw up, just because I'm a rapist doesn't mean I still don't find blood disgusting at times." Arnold said, finishing his story. Well at least I remembered something. "Thank you Arnold, your story really helped." I said politely.

"You know Arnold, by now blood shouldn't make you puke. What a wimp."

I whipped around, "Shut up, Jerome." Jerome ignored me and walked over and got right in Arnold's face, "You know, you may not be cut out for the team." Jerome smiled as he brought out a knife and held it up to Arnold's mouth.

I had already pushed Jerome away before I even knew what I was doing, "What is wrong with you?" Jerome pulled me towards him and lifted my head backwards, "You should know by know that I'm not the most sane person here." He held the knife up to my lips, "What's the matter? Scared?"

I kneed Jerome in the balls and he fell to the floor in pain. I grabbed the knife and pinned him to the ground. I held the knife pointed right at the middle of his forehead.

"You know Jerome, your not the only person here who isn't entirely sane."

YAYYYYYYYY!!!!! I finished! I made sure to try and post this before tonight she yeahhhhhh! 😝

So, what else could have happened? How did Harleen loose her memories? And will Jerome and Harleen EVER get along?

Hope you enjoyed reading, I'll try to post again soon.



Insanity: A Jerome/Joker Gotham fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now