Chapter 21: Sending A Message

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to @hannahonmaui for the wonderful compliment! Thanks for reading!

It was almost time for my act on stage, I felt pretty confident though. I loved making people laugh while I was on stage, bringing joy to people made a spark grow inside of me. Even if those people were murderers and rapists. I didn't care, I was just as filthy as the rest of them.

I took a deep breathe as the last act finished, it was my turn now. I walked out on stage and the crowd burst out into cheers. A turned the mic, "Now ladies and Gents, I haven't even started." I cleared my through silently as the music began to sway.

As my vocal chords hummed came alive, I spotted Gertrude sitting with Oswald giving me a comforting smile. A warm feeling filled my body, Gertrude was one of my favorite people. She was so innocent, almost like a kid. I loved that about her, she acted like such a child. I wish I could do that......

As I was starting to slowly wrap up the song my eyes caught something. Over by the bar was a man in a dark jacket and had very familiar hair. I almost threw up on stage.

Of course he would be here.

The ginger then smirked at the stare I was giving him. I refused to let him have the pleasure of seeming me frantic and played it off cool. I finished the last note and crowd went wild.

The curtains closed and I slowly made my way out to the bar, obviously Jerome was here for a reason.

When I made it out into the crowd I noticed he moved to a booth instead, I sat next to him. "You know, this is a little creepy." I said, stretching my arms. "What, trying to get my phone back? Where is it by the way?" Jerome asked. I groaned, then I gave him the tiny phone from my back pocket.

I began, "So-"

"Hey Baby, how are you?"

I turned around, a larger man I had never seen before was talking to me. "Do me a favor, scram." I hissed at the pervert.
"Sorry Doll, but your gonna be mine tonight."

The man grabbed my arm and began to drag me away. I turned to punch him, but I was a second too late. Jerome swiftly punched the man in the face, knocking him out with one blow. The club started to quiet down to look at the scene. I grabbed Jerome's hand and pulled him out of the club as fast as I could.

"Awwww come on Harleen! I was going to have some fun with that pervert!" Jerome said giddily laughing. I rolled my eyes, "Maybe next time, Jerome. Now, I'll be heading home-"

"Oh no," Jerome said, "your not going home yet.....the fund just begun!"
"Sorry, but I'm tired."
"Oh, come on Harleen! Take a risk!"
"I have been taking risks, for a couple of months now. Now Jerome-"

Jerome pinned me up against a wall, "Come one know you want to." His face was so close to mine as his eyes burned into me, trying to trace my every thought. I slid one of my hands out of Jerome's, then I tilted his face towards mine. "You have two hours, this better be damn worth it."

Jerome smiled, "Awesome."
"And," I began again, "you have to help me find my father. Deal?" Jerome threw me a wicked grin. He leaned in real close to my ear, "You've got yourself a deal, Quinn."


"You really are insane." I said. I was not doing this.

Jerome and I stood outside a bank, he brought guns and masks. "Come on Harleen, think about the money."
I shook my head, "That doesn't matter to me. Why do you need money?"
Jerome snickered, "I don't care about the money, it's about sending a message!"

He turned and held his hand out, "So M'lady, what do you say?"

I hesitated, Jerome was asking me to help him rob a bank at 12:00 for no reason. While I would have a ski mask and gloves, I was still worried about being caught. But I could also use the money to pay people for information......

I grabbed Jerome's hand, "Let's do this."

Jerome busy through the doors without even planning our attack and began shooting, I couldn't harm innocent instead I just made my way over to the vault. I held a gun open, "Open it." I made sure to mask my voice with a fake, thick French accent.

The man in front of me trembled as his shaky hands quickly opened the vault. I quickly grabbed as much money as I could., then I returned to Jerome. He slid a stack of 100$ bills in his jacket before dumping the rest of the money it into the floor. What was he doing?

Jerome then grabbed his light, "Gotham belongs to us! We are the King and Queen of Gotham!" He then grabbed me by the waits and threw my one hand up, like I was winning a championship or something.

Then, he lit the money on fire.....we sprinted out of the bank as fast as we could. "Get in the car Quinn!" Jerome said pointing to a random car. I broke the window and got in the driver seat, Jerome opened the door and began to hit wire the car. I could hear the sirens, "Shit Jerome! Hurry up!"

"Alright, I'm down! Move over!" He said, almost sounding calm. He slammed down on the gas pedal and off we went, far away from the scene. Jerome started laughing like a maniac, "Did you see their faces? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!"

I then thought about the trembling man, that pussy. A little giggle started to form from my mouth, "Now that was fun."


Jerome drove the car a little down the harbor of Gotham, then we tipped it into the river. As we watched it sink I felt a strange wave of joy overcome me, why was this making me so happy.

"Here." Jerome handed me the stack of money he saved. I gave him a questioning look, "Don't you need it?
"Nope, that's not my style."

I took the money, "Thanks."

We were silent for a moment, I didn't know what to say.

"Tomorrow Harleen, I'll hope you find your dad."

Something inside of me peeked up, "Really?"
"Yep, Scouts Promise."

My emotions exploded, "Thank you!"
I reached up and hugged Jerome, not wanting to let go. We stood there for a moment, Jerome still a little surprised by my sudden reaction.

He then leaned down towards my ear, "Best Date Night ever."

Sorry if the chapter is kind of fluffy, I just wanted a little bit more character development between Jerome and Harleen. Plus, I wanted to finally start answer some of the other questions, so I'm setting that up. Well, thanks for reading! 💕💕💕



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