What's wrong with me?

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I stare as my one of my mates lies on the ground blood running from multiple wounds all over his body, my other mate standing above him also bloody but not as hurt. My eyes widen when the wolf standing meets my eyes, the same eyes as Draven's.

I look down at Alex's body and look for something that might be moving. Something HAS to move. I hold my breath then exhale loudly as I see his chest move slightly.

"What the hell is going on?" I yell out taking a step forward. Tightening my hands into fists so they don't shake.

Someone close by reaches out to pull me back but I sidestep out of the way. Taking another step forward I look at Draven, then look around the circle that has formed around my two wolf mates.

Someone from within the circle replies, "It's a tradition, if one person has two mates they fight to the death to see who is the strongest. The winner will then go with the mate and be able to protect her."

"Well if it was to protecting her why not have two mates? Won't that mean double the protection?" I ask out.

A different voice responds to my question. "They would just get jealous of each other, they wouldn't know how to work together."

"Has there been proof of that in the past?" I ask again. This time though there is silent met with my words. "Well then, if there was no proof on the two mates not being able to work together than why not try it?" 

"It's against tradition." A female voice says from the crowd.

"Right because killing off pack members is great for your population. Did anyone ask the single mates if they wanted there loved ones to fight to the death?" Again my question is met with silence. "Well then lets ask."

I sidestep and look at the spot i had been standing. "Hey Lizzy did you want one of your mates to die just cause of stupid traditions that don't make sense?" Someone growls when I say stupid tradition. I sidestep into the spot I had been talking to. "No Lizzy I would hate that. It would kill a part of me inside. Mates are apart of each other, they need each other. Why take apart of myself away just for the satisfaction of a stupid tradition. I would feel half empty inside." 

I go to sidestep again but a deep voice booms out. "Enough. The tradition is there to protect the pack."

"Oh really? So killing pack mates is how you protect the pack?" I reply not backing down.

"We do not know how the mates would react together having to share their one mate. So yes, killing a few pack mates save the rest of the pack." A tall, big man that looks a lot like Draven and Alex walks out of the crowd, a little bit smaller sized women at his side, also having similar features to my mates. "Our elders decided that is what must be done, so we follow it. Who are you?"

"Well if you ask me I think it's a stupid idea. Why not test it out first instead of killing without reason, if it goes bad than I guess you have to fight to the death. I know your werewolves, but I didn't think werewolves were this stupid."

The man growls lowly. The woman squeezes his arm. Draven looks down at his brother, sadness in his eyes but also determination. Determination to be the victor.

"I ask again, who are you?" The man grounds out, fighting his anger.

I sigh and cross my arms. "My name is Lizzy, I happen to be these two guys, mate." I gesture to the two wolves than cross my arms again.

"Well Lizzy, your human, and wouldn't understand our traditions and customs. Or how we work. So I suggest you step back and watch one of your mates become your only mate." He looks at Draven and nods. Draven nods back and bends his head down to finish Alex off.

I scream and go to rush forward. "Don't you fucking dare." I get halfway there when I feel arms wrap around my waist and pull me backwards. I struggle as hard as I can, but the werewolf holding my is just too strong.

I scream no over and over again while staring at Draven. Everything seems to go into slow motion. Draven's snout descending down towards Alex's neck, and me being dragged back. As Draven's mouth closes over Alex's throat I scream louder than before, and something inside of me clicks or cracks, not sure which.

My eyes close as my body spasms.The arms around me drop and I fall to the ground. My arms and legs burn and hurt as they bend into different angles, my skin starts to feel inchy as fur starts sprouting. My face extends into a snout, and my cloths rip. 

My eyes open back up as I stand on all fours. I shake my pelt and narrow my eyes on Draven. My legs start moving forward as anger and adrenaline shoot through my body. I launch forward and barrel into Draven's wolf form knocking him out of the way and making him drop Alex's throat. Not wanting to hurt Draven I only pin him down until he surrenders to me, I then hurry over to Alex's body to stiff around his neck and wounds. Getting blood all over my snout, but I don't care. I sigh once a find a pulse and lift my head to glare at the man who said my second mate could die.

My fur sticks up on end and I roar. I roar like the tiger I shifted into. My big body rippling in anger.

The man holds up his hands. "Woah, no need to get violent." 

"No need to get violent? There is every need to get violent." I say surprising everyone including myself. My body shifting into a larger creature.

I uncurl my self and stand at my whole full height, towering over everyone.

Everyone in the circle gasps and stares at me, so I look down at myself. My fur and skin had turned into skin and scales, my whole body a red color. I stretch out everything and at my back wings span out to tower above the werewolves behind me.

I turn my head around to look at the wings than look down around my body and I hear the man whisper in awe, "Shifter."

What the hell is happening to me.


I am so sorry for not updating for the longest time, but things came up and I couldn't find a chance to write.

So what do you think? Lizzy stopped the almost death of one of her mates by shifting into different animals.

Its cool but in the next one, let's see what the alpha's and elders think of her ideas about the two mates, and about her new abilities. Also coming up she confronts her parents about what she can do, and its not just a few animals she can shift into.

I hope you enjoy, vote, comment, and have fun reading!


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