Werewolves? Real?

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Nobody ever believes me. I tell them werewolves and vampires are real. Even if you can't see them.

I sit down on a bench in the park and watch the families play. I look down to the sketchbook in my hands. The current sketch is of another wolf, on part of the page, man on the other.

I see them in my dreams. Almost real life dreams. But when I talk about them people roll their eyes.

I sigh and look back up at the families when I feel the sensation of being watched. I look around the park, but don't see anyone watching me. So I go back to watching families. A small smile plays at my lips when a small girl squeals in delight when her father swings her up into his arms.

I go to glance down when a hand appears in front of my face, covering my mouth. Some kind of cloth is shoved against my lips. I struggle and try to shake my head but to no use.

I start to sway. My vision going blurry and going dark.

The last thing I feel is my body falling to the side and being picked up.


I wake with a start. Looking around the room I'm in.

The walls are a dark blue, to match the carpeted floor. The bed is sitting across from the door. A dresser to the right of the bed. A door which looks like it leads into a walk in closet next to the dresser. On the left is a bathroom. The door flung wide open. On the same wall as the bed are floor length curtains.

I stand up and walk towards the curtains and open them. The curtains lead to a sliding glass door, which leads to a balcony.

I open the slider and take a few steps out on the balcony to a wonderful sight.

A forest surrounding the three story house I'm in. In the distance are mountains, which look like they have snow at the tips.

I look down towards the ground and see a few people walking around here and there. Young and old, tall and short, male and female. One pair holding hands, a few kids playing tag.

I walk back into the bedroom and take another look around.

What I didn't notice before is my bag sitting on the floor at the foot of the bed.

I move towards it to have the bedroom door fly open and a guy step in. And one heck of a guy he is.

He stands about a head above my 5'6", tan, muscular built, black hair, icey blue eyes. In my definition, a hunk, or hotty.

I stop walking and look up at him startled, "uhh.."

"What were you doing out on the balcony?" A low husky voice asks me.

"Uh, well.. I was awake and.. Uh decided to look around.." I studder out. "Where am I?.."

"You are at my home. In the moonlite territory."

"The what territory?.."

"The moonlite territory. I'm the alpha of the moonlite pack. And you are my mate."

I look at him stunned for a minute then laugh. "You were paid to play this prank on me weren't you?"

He look at me confused. "Paid to play a prank?"

"Yeah, my friends just love making fun of me. They must have paid you." I reply still chuckling.

"I promise you, this is no prank." He says sincerely.

I look him up and down. "Prove it." I cross my arms over my chest.

He just rolls his eyes and slightly bends over. His skin starts to move, his face lengthens, legs bend the opposite way, fur starts to sprout. Within a few minutes a big wolf is standing in front of me.

I look at it wide eyed for a minute before blinking, "Werewolves are real?!"


I hope you like it. Its my first book so please comment what you think. I love hearing what I should do to improve. Have a good reading, thank you. :)

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