Can I really have both?

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I stand still and look at him. What did he mean he was my mate? I thought Draven was my mate.

As the two of us stare at each other I hear footsteps running down the steps. I glance over to see Draven stepping down to the floor off the last step.

"Alex, I see you have found my mate." Draven says with a smile not knowing what has happened.

"Umm.." I start to speak but Alex turns towards Draven fully with a snarl.

"She is my mate not yours Draven." He snarls into Dravens face. Draven doesn't move but his eyes narrow.

"You must be mistaken, Alex, for she is MY mate. Not yours." Draven says looking calm but I can see the fury underneath.

"I am not mistaken." Alex steps up so the two are only an inch apart. Their noses almost touching.

I step up. "Umm guys?" Neither one looks at me. "Guys, its not uncommon to have more then one mate." That got their attention. They both look towards me. Confusion written on their faces. "Ok, according to what I know, or have heard of. Not a lot but some werewolves end up with more then one mate. Sometimes its harder then having just one, because you have to make sure both get equal attention."

They both look at me, then at each other, then back at me. "Do you guys have any connection between the two of you?"

Draven looks back at Alex, then gets disgust on his face. He turns towards me. "It is impossible to have more then one mate. That is only legend. We," he points between him and Alex, "are half-brothers. We cannot be mates even if it was possible."

I look between them. "It is possible. Since you are half-brothers. It would still be possible. I'm not fully sure though. I always thought werewolves were real, but never expected to actually meet any."

Alex shook his head this time. "I will not believe it. Even if it does come from my mate."

Draven growls and glares at Alex. "She is my mate."

The two start arguing again. This time with lots of growling. I step back and move to the other side of the room using the wall. That is when I remember the girl that's still in the room. I catch her eyes as I move past. She was giving me death glares. I look away.

After I finally manage to get to the other side. The brothers are wolves and at each others throats. I quickly turn towards the door Alex and the girl came through and slip out.

I stood on a medium sized porch. It wraps around the left side of the house.

Also to the left looks like a kind of training area. Which includes an area for archery, an area to practice swords on dummies. A few people doing both. There was also a type of dig out where a few people were training together with there fists. Another few a bit further away in the dig out, were with swords.

A few buildings sat next to the dig out. Someone was walking out with a training sword. The buildings must be for the weapons and armor.

To the right of the house was a swimming pool. But that's all I can see from this angle.

I step down off the porch and look around at the people, or werewolves, moving around. I smile as a few disappear as humans then reappear as wolves. My dreams finally coming into reality. And nobody really believed me.

I hear a bang behind me and see the brothers roll out of the house in their wolf forms. What I can catch of the inside of the house before the door closes isn't pretty. It's trashed. The brothers split for a few minutes and growl before turning opposite ways and stalking off.

I watch both of them leave without noticing me and sigh. Well my dream is almost perfect. The question is. Will they work something out and share me? Will they fight each other until one dies? Can I really have both of them?


I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry its taken me so long I've just been soo busy. Comment something helpful. Tell me what i should improve. Lizzy will get to meet some people in the next chapter. The boys will still fight. But do u think they should turn out to be mates anyways? Or not and have to share Lizzy? What do you think as my readers. I love input so just comment away. It helps I promise. Ill try to update soon.


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