Mates? Plural?

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I stand there and stare at the big black wolf in front of me. Kinda sounds like the big bad wolf. Hope its not true.

I take a single step forward towards the wolf, my hand reaching out. I stare the wolf in the eyes. He has beautiful dark blue eyes. Wait dark blue? I check again. Yup really are dark blue. Which means his wolf is in control. If the stories are accurate.

I take another step towards the wolf, And he bows his head. Taking it as a go-ahead, I close the distance between us and lay my hand on his head.

The fur is so soft. I run my hands through the little bit of fur he has on his head in amazement. His eyes are closed and I hear this almost purring sound.

I stop petting the wolf and step back. "You really are real."

The wolf nods his head, his eyes returning to there ice blue color. The fur starts to retract into the skin, his snout pulling back, and he stands on his back two legs before once sgain the man is standing there. Nude.

I look down and blush, its not the first time I have seen a male but its diferent when its like this.

"Yes we are real. How might I ask did you find out about us in the first place?" he asks crossing his arms.

"Umm, first, I think we should introduce ourselves. Then you should get dressed." I reply still looking down.

"Right, my name is Draven." Draven. Hmm I think I like it.

"My name is Lizzy, its nice to meet you Draven."

"Likewise mate." Mate? Oh right he said I was his mate. Yippy. I've always wanted that.

"Right, well I think you should go change now." I say trying not to look up. My cheeks still stained with a blush.

He looks down at himself and chuckles. "What? Don't like what you see?"

I blush a darker red and say nothing. I shift from foot to foot as I wait for him to  find clothing.

"Ok, ok. I will be right back." He says with a smile as he walks out the door.

I breath a sigh of relief, then walk towards the door to look out.

The hall was totally clear. No sign of Draven. So I decide to be adventuresome and look around.

I step out of the room and start heading right. At the end of the hall are stairs going down. I stand at the top and listen for a minute. After a few seconds I hear a few voices coming for down below, the voices not loud enough for me to hear what they are saying.

I slowly make my way down the stairs. Carefully as to make very little noise. Even if they are werewolves, I'm being quiet.

As I reach the bottom I stop and look around the room. It looks kind of like a small living room. On the opposite side of the room is a door that looks like it leads to a dining room.

I hear movement from somewhere in the dining room and step back so the shadow from the stairs conceals me. Its a good thing too because as soon as my body is concealed two people walk in.

Ok, they are more like tearing at each others clothes.

I look away and hope they move this somewhere else when he throws her off of him. I glance up to see him sniffing around. His gaze finds mine in the dark and he starts heading towards me.

I panic a little bit, eyes widening but stand my ground.

As he reaches me he asks in a deep voice, "Who are you? Where did you come from? And why haven't I found you before now?"

I look up at him confused, "My name is Lizzy, I was brought here by Draven, he is my mate. Or so he tells me, and I don't know why you would think we needed to meet before."

His nostrils flare out as I  mention Draven being my mate. Is that a bad thing? Being Draven's mate?

"You can't be his mate." He says.

"Why not?" I ask confused.

"Because you are my mate." He says reaching out towards me.

I move out of his reach. "Two? Two mates?" As in more then one?


Thank you for reading. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, christmas is soon so I have been busy. I hope you have enjoyed my book. Remember I love hearing what you think.

Two mates? What will she do?


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