What else?

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Silence, dead silence surrounds me. My wings fold down against my back as I relax. My tail curls around my wounded mate on the ground as my eyes look over the crowd around me. Even after shifting into a few animals I didn't even know that I could, I feel a strang calm over me.

It's been told that werewolves tend to get a voice inside their head after the first time they shift, the voice of course being the wolf that now shares the body. Since I am not a werewolf I have no clue if I get a voice inside my head. Also since I have proven that I can shift into more than one creature I may not get anything but me. That is probably a good idea since I don't know how many creatures I Can turn into. That would be a lot of voices in one head if I did.

"What the Hell are you?" A voice from the left of my asks out. I can tell by the look on everyones faces that they all thought the same question. They must not have heard the older mans whisper.

Swinging my head to the side I look down at the people below me. Looking for the Speaker. Eyeing the man I chose not to direct my answer to him.

"I have absolutely no idea." My voice comes out gruff and deep surprising myself. Not only can I speak in the tiger form but also in this form. Werewolves can't talk in their wolf form. Which means I am definitely not like them. 

Looking back at the man, I let my head tower over him. "Willing to listen now?"

He looks up unafraid, but takes a small step back anyways. "It is not I you have to speak to. It is the Elders. The Elders must also know of you, since you are now not just a human."

Nodding I say, "Fine, take me to the Elders, but Alex is not to be harmed, he is to be healed up as good as new. If I find out that anyone has tried to finish him off or harmed him worse.." I pause to snort out smoke out of my nose, the smoke surrounding the people in front of me, "..then they will have to answer to me." 

The man that looks like my mates nods and turns, starting to walk away. I stay and follow, looking back towards the circle I let out a short breath of flame go over their heads in warning, then shifting back into my tiger form I continue to follow the man.

He takes me up to a very big, nice looking mansion. The outside is a white color, with grey trimmings. It almost looks like the pack house, just a little smaller.

Walking up to the door he knocks once then enters, looking back he motions for me to follow behind. Walking in a look around, the halls are pretty sparse and rooms we pass happen to be empty. Only a few rooms seem to have furniture and that's further we walk in. 

Double doors block our way from going any further. The man, who I'm starting to think, might be the Alpha or father of the Alpha of this pack, knocks on the door but waits this time. Many voices at the same time say 'enter'. It's like they practiced it or something.

The Alpha opens the door and steps to the side, letting me enter first. As I walk in I notice a half circle table full of older looking people in it, both male and female. The rest of the room his kinda bland. Nothing really stands out except the group of Elders. Maybe that's why they are called Elders, they are all old. 

Trying not to laugh to myself I walk up and sit down in front of the half circle table. The Elders give me one look then look behind me to the Alpha.

One male Elder speaks up from the end, "What is this animal doing in here?"

Before the man behind me can speak I do, "I am not just an animal, I am a person just like you. And last I checked, you all turn into 'animals'" I can feel the glare at the back of my head, but I just smirk, knowing I have the power in here.

"Who do you think you are to walk in here and disrespect us like this? Jonah! Why have you brought this thing in here?!" One of the females in the center asks the man behind me. Jonah, hmm, very interesting name for an Alpha. Sounds familiar somehow.

"She is a shifter ma'am. The first one I have seen in many years. She has come to discuss the tradition of.. multiple mates.." He explains before I can open my mouth.

"A shifter?" All the Elders eyes turn to me then, some have doubt in their eyes others have amazement in them. "Prove it." The same women says, she is one with doubt in her eyes.

"Go on, show them you can shift into other creatures. If you don't they might not listen to your request and/or have me chase you out of the territory for disrespecting them." Jonah says behind me, almost tauntingly.

Sighing I shift into my Dragon form, my head hanging low because of the ceiling. feeling uncomfortable I turn into a hawk instead, another creature with wings. Circling around the room I come to land on the table in the center. One Elder gasps but the others just stare at me.

"But can she be the one.." Another Elder that hasn't spoken asks quietly. My eyes move to his eyes, staring back.

"The one what?" My voice comes out weird, kinda like a hawk cry, which I can believe since I am one at the moment. 

"He means nothing. what other animals can you shift into?" The Woman in front of me asks. Looking at her I blink once. 

"I dunno. So far three, maybe more." I flap my wings a few times to steady myself.

"Shift into that of a bear." I fly back to the center of the room and shift into that of a bear.

"A horse." 

"A cow."

"A monkey."

And so it begins, shifting as I am asked, to please them and to test my limits. 

After a little bit one of the Elders says in a stern voice, "Enough!" I stop in a red fox form, looking up at the Elders the Alpha behind me has long since been completely shocked and amazed. 

All the Elders make eye contact with each other then with the Alpha behind me. I sit down and look between everyone, waiting.

"She seems to be what you say she is, and possibly even the one, but we need to take time to talk through everything that has happened today, then we will discuss what is to be done with her." The female in the center of all the Elders say.

Standing I look directly at her. "She is right here, and there will be nothing done with me. What you can discuss is changing the tradition of more then one mate connected to someone. They should be given the chance to work with each other instead of having to kill one another, it is not right to any of them doing it the way you have been."

The Alpha steps up behind me "The Elders have said what they will for now, why don't you come with me until they are ready to speak with you again. I am pretty sure your mates can hold off fighting until you have talked with the Elders once again." He looks up at the Elders, not fully making eye contact out of respect.

Slowly each of the Elders nod. The Female who seems to be the one more in charge stares at me with a hard expression before also nodding.

Without another word Jonah reaches down and grabs the back of my neck to pick me up, snapping at him I shift back into my tiger form. "Do not even think about it." Turning I start walking out of the room, Jonah is say sorry to the Elders for my behavior then also follows behind me.

"Demanding and disrespecting them like that will get you no where with anything you want." Jonah says quietly as we head out of the Manor. All I do is growl in response.


I am so sorry for the wait, life just keeps me too busy. I will continue to update when I can. 

Anyone wonder why Jonah tried to pick Lizzy up? It might be explained later on, and don't worry things will get better with the three mates. Lizzy and Draven get to know each other a bit better soon while Alex is healing.

Keep reading, Voting, and Commenting. I love everyones support.

I am also sorry if it all sounds like crap, I'm trying my best. :)


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