Learning More

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After staying with Alex for a few hours I finally head out of the hospital like room, Jonah having stayed with me the whole time. I will definitely have to find a way to see Alex alone next time. Probably when he is awake so I can speak to him first.

I don't want to force my Mates into my decision, even if my instincts scream at me to claim them both. I'll ask and try and talk to them about accepting the marks even against what the Elders say.

"How is it, you know so much about our world when you grew up human. Clearly you're not actually human." Jonah's voice is quiet and calm as he walks with me through the halls towards the front door.

I glance over at him before shrugging. "I've always known the supernatural existed. Werewolves, Vampires, fairies or what they prefer to be called, Fae."

We get to the door and head back outside, Jonah still walking beside me. "But how?" His eyebrow raises when he looks down at me.

I walk a little ways from the building that Alex is recovering in to look out at the grounds, stopping.

"At first they were dreams. Of course I thought they were just the imagination of a child since they started when I was very young. However they continued into teen years, and still happen. In more details, to the point I was able to start drawing them, and scenes or battles they were in." I watch as a few men head off towards the training field.

"As I got older I started researching and diving into everything I possibly could about the supernatural world. A lot of it was fiction and myth, but the small finds I was able to discover.. they proved everything to me. I was able to find where to look better, even if I was never able to actually see the supernatural. You all keep very well hidden from the human world." A small smile plays on my lips.

"You where able to find information about werewolves?" Jonah's expression hasn't changed, but I can see the surprise in his eyes, and the weariness.

I shrug a shoulder at him before starting towards the training field again, with him following. "It wasn't easy, but once I was able to find small bits here and there it got easier to spot where to look. I didn't just find information about werewolves, I also found things about vampires, and Fae, and other supernatural. However most of my research happened to be about werewolves because you interested me the most. Surprise, Surprise to find out I have werewolf mates. Guess the fascination makes sense."

I come to a stop to look down at the sparing, once again a few with fists, a few with swords. "I also decided since I knew of what existed in the world, I needed to train to be able to defend myself. Took lessons in self defense, and some different martial arts."

"And you had no idea you were a shifter?" Jonah also looks on at the sparring, his hands clasped behind his back and shoulders straight. I can see the Alpha in him now, or maybe it was because of everything else going on that I just didn't see it.

"No idea at all, I was pretty sure I woke up human today. I also have never found anything about shifters before, didn't know they existed." I wince slightly as I watch a man get tossed to the ground by his sparring partner before getting up to attack again.

"They did, once upon a time, but that was centuries ago. No one has seen or heard of them since the last all out war. It was believed they were all killed. Because of their abilities to shift into any animal they wished, and the immense power they had, the shifters were the ones who ruled over all. They kept council with each race in order to keep the peace."

"Immense Power?" My eyes widen slightly as I glance over at Jonah. "You're talking about the ability to shift right? That's it?" There was no way more power than that could be a possibility. Although now, after it being hours since my first shift I could feel it. The strength, the thrum of something extra running through my veins.

"Some of the shifters, its said, were able to wield extra power. Some was passed down by generation, others sprang up as new. The family I had heard of could wield lightning, another was snow. It was believed that they possessed a form of an element." His gaze shifts to focus on my face, his gaze still slightly weary. "It is why they were the ones to keep the peace, no one could overpower them."

"Until one day they did.." My voice is quiet as I think it over, turning back to stare blankly over the training field.

My thoughts spun around each other. I was a shifter, that part I could not deny. I was able to shift into any animal I wished to. Even the constant shifting for the Elders hadn't drained me, but then to have extra power on top of that? It seems, almost too much. It also explains the reason someone might want the shifters dead. Who could oppose them? They were almost like gods with the power they held.

We.. I am a shifter.. and if someone was to find out I am alive. That a shifter somehow survived after all this time. Would I be hunted just as they were? How did a shifter survive all this time without notice?

Too many questions and not enough answers. I might have to talk to my parents sooner than I thought.

My head turns as if my attention has been called and my eyes land on Draven. First things first, figure out a way to keep both my mates. I refuse to give either of them up, or watch them kill each other.


I know I haven't been active or written in years. Some of you may have seen I was going to restart my whole book. Now that I have the want to write and continue I decided to stick with this account. The writing style might be slightly different due to the fact I am quite a bit older than when I started my book. If there are inconsistencies or things get confusing please bring it to my attention. I will be going back to proof read and edit as I go. Not quite sure how often I will update but I will be doing my best.

Thank you to those who stick around or to the new readers.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04 ⏰

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