My Mates

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After the confrontation with the council I walk towards the house, shifting into my wolf form I sniff at the ground then the air. Searching for my mates scent. Other wolves having moved my injured mate I decide to go looking for him first.

Walking up to the blood still on the ground I sniff at it then sniff the air. Noticing people stare at me I let out a small growl then follow Alex's scent. As I walk I watch as some of the pack members keep their distant, some even usher the children away. 

Sighing, I continue on until I walk up to a building. Shifting back into my human form I look down. My clothes are somehow back on my body, smiling with a shrug, I walk up to the door and knock.

Tilting my head slightly I try to listen for movement. Hearing quiet footsteps approaching the door I take a step back to wait.

Slowly the door opens and a tall brown haired woman is standing there. "May I help you?" Her voice reminds me of the stern elementary teacher I had.

"Yes actually, I am looking for my Mate Alex. I know he is being held here for recovery. I would like to see him." My tone doesn't quite show me asking, but more of demanding. I have already had to put up with the Elders, I am not in the mood to deal with her.

Her eyebrow raises slightly as she looks at me. "He's not here, he was moved to another building."

My eyes narrow as I look at her, tilting my head back slightly I take a deep breath threw my nose. Sure enough, Alex's scent is stronger than ever, coming from inside the building. "Your lying."

Her eyes narrow slightly before they flicker behind me and back. "Alpha."

I huff in irritation, him again. Turning slightly I glance back at him before looking back at the woman in front of me. "I'm only here to check on one of my two Mates, do you have to follow me everywhere?"

I hear him chuckle quietly behind me before speaking, "I'm not following you, I'm also here to check on my son."

I roll my eyes, right, to check on his son. That's just an excuse to follow me to Alex to watch over me. Probably to make sure I can't do anything, like mark him.

My eyes widen slightly at the idea. Mark him.. If I'm able to mark both of my mates then the Elders have no choice but to accept it. If two werewolves ( or in my case shifter ) mark each other, they become connected. If the three of us become completely connected, then the guys won't be able to fight each other without serious damage to all three of us. Why didn't I thing of this before. I'm a genius.

The only problem is to not get caught, and to ditch Jonah. 

I look at the woman and tilt my head slightly, "Are you going to let us past or not?"

She looks over my shoulder at Jonah before nodding slightly and turning. She leads us down the hall and turns right, taking us down another hall. The further we go, the stronger Alex's scent gets. Since shifting my senses have gotten so much stronger, and I can feel how alluring Alex's scent is to me.

We walk to the end of the hall before she stops at a door. She reaches forward and slowly opens the door. Pushing it open she steps out of the way so we can walk through the door.

Slowly stepping inside the small room it's like I've been transported to a hospital room. Monitors show his vitals, cords and tubes are connected to his body, which is laying on a hospital bed. 

My hand comes up to my mouth as I look over his bandaged body. Slowly walking up to the bed I touch his hand with my free one. "My Mate.."

A few tears escape my eyes as I look down at the man who I've already claimed as mine, along with his brother. 

Jonah walks up beside me and sighs quietly, "He's in pretty rough shape. I guess he should have trained more instead of fucked around."

My eyes slowly move from my Mate to his father, the tears drying as they heat with seething anger. How dare he say that. How dare he not be more worried for his son? 

Jonah's eyes move to meet mine with calm, "No need to growl at me, I'm only speaking the truth." 

I hadn't even realized I growled in the first place, but I growl again before turning to look back at Alex's face. 

Whether he thinks he's speaking the truth or not, he is wrong, very wrong. My Mates should never had to fight over me, and soon, they won't.

I will mark both of them and force the Elder's hands. If it's the last thing I do, so be it. I will have both of My Mates.


I am so very sorry to my reader's, I know I haven't continued this story for a very long time, and to be honest, I didn't know if I was going to. I had lost interest in writing for a little bit, but I promise I'm back. Don't get alarmed at my sudden change of name. I'm still the same writer you know. I hope you continue to read my story, like it, and comment. 

You all are my inspiration to start writing again. If it wasn't for my readers I may never have started writing once more. I love you all and will be updating more soon. I'm also starting a new book, I'll let you know when I have finished enough of it to publish. 

Keep reading and enjoying Lizzy's story, lets see where life takes her, together.


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