The Girl Next Door

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Just another normal day in San Antonio. I woke up, jumped in the shower and then got dressed. I went to go sit on my bed and then I heard a noise coming from outside; it sounded like a moving truck. I looked outside my window and then I saw it. There was a moving truck sitting outside the house across the street, that’s been empty since last June. I stared out the window as the moving men carried boxes out and plopped them on the lawn. A few minutes passed and a car pulled but behind the moving truck. There were 4 people in the car, 2 parents, a boy that looked a little bit older than me, and a girl around my age. They all got out of the car and they looked exhausted; especially the girl. They must have been coming from somewhere far, I thought. The girl was absolutely gorgeous. She had long blonde hair and a beautiful body. I watched her as she rubbed her eyes and then went to go grab a box off the lawn. I wasn’t about to stand here and watch that beautiful girl struggle with those heavy boxes. I ran down stairs, not even bothering to say hi to my mother who was probably in the back yard by the pool, and walked outside and across the street. The girl was just walking out of the front door and over to one of the many boxes. She didn’t notice me walking over till I said hello.

“Hi.” She said, trying to sound as excited as she possibly could considering how tired she was.

“Hi,” I said again, “my names Austin.” I put my hand out to shake her hand and she gave me a weird look.

“I’m Dylan” she said and shook my hand.

“It’s very nice to meet you Dylan. I live right across the street.” I said pointing to my house.

“Oh cool.” She replied.

“Do you need any help?” I asked.

“Um yeah that’d be nice. You can take that box.” She said pointing to one of the many boxes. I picked it up and she picked up another and then led me to her room.

“So where did you move here from?” I asked as we reached her room.

“Miami.” She answered.

“Oh that’s cool. I always wanted to live there one day.”

“Yeah it’s amazing.”

“So why did you move here?”

“My dad got a new job so we had to pick up everything and move here.”

“Well if it makes you feel any better it’s not that bad here, there’s actually a lot to do.” I comforted her.

“Well maybe you can show some me around sometime.” She flirted.

“How about right after we get the rest of these boxes?” I asked.

“Sure.” She said, sounded surprised of my offer; did she not know how amazingly beautiful she was?

After we finished with all the boxes I could honestly say I was exhausted. We were sitting on her bed trying to catch our breath.

“They’re gonna bring in the rest of your furniture in soon if you’re ready.” Dylan’s dad informed us. I wondered how long he had been standing in the doorway for.

“Yeah I’m ready.” Dylan relied.

“And who is your friend?” He asked, referring to me.

“This is Austin, he lives across the street.” Dylan said.

“Hello Austin I’m Dylan’s dad but you can call me Anthony.” He said, walking over and a shaking my hand.

“It’s very nice to meet you Anthony.”

“It’s very nice to meet you too.” He answered and walked out of the room.

“He likes you.” Dylan said.

“How do you know?” I asked confusingly.

“Cause he told you to call him Anthony.” She responded. I didn’t know what to say, but her words made me smile.

“So do you still want me to show you around?” I asked, changing the subject.

“Yeah let me just get changed and then I’ll meet you downstairs.” She said.

“Ok, but you don’t have to get changed, you already look beautiful.” I said. Her cheeks began to get light red and then she smiled. She quickly realized she was blushing so she turned around and walked into the bathroom. I smiled too and started to walk down stairs. They had a beautiful home. When you walked through the front door there was a huge chandelier and then stairs that led up to the second floor. To the left of the door was the kitchen. There was an island in the middle with granet counters. Then to the right was a huge living room. There was no furniture but there was a fire place with rocks around it on the wall. I kept observing their house as Dylan walked down the stairs.

“Damn.” I said, cause it was all I could get out; she started to blush. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.” She said and continued to blush. She smiled and looked down at the floor. I lifted my hand up to her chin and slowly lifted up her head,

“You look cute when you blush.” She blushed more and I grinned.

“Let’s go.” She giggled and I followed her out the door. We walked over to my car, a red range rover, and I opened Dylan’s door. “Thanks.

“It’s my pleaser.”  

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