Chapter 9: Breathing In

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"I can't believe it! Who does he think he is telling me where I can and can't surf??" Thea vented as she and Max made their way down the beach to where Komachi and Malea were standing.

"Byron McLeod?" Max offered sarcastically.

Thea cast him an unimpressed look. "You shouldn't have stopped me. Maybe I could have—"

"You couldn't have done anything that wouldn't have gotten one or both of you in trouble." Max interrupted calmly. "You stopped me from reacting when he first taunted you," he pointed out. Squeezing her hand he added, "I was only doing you the same favor."

She gave him a forced smile as they reached their friends. She was glad he had her back but in this particular situation she would have preferred to retaliate and face the consequences. Surfing was way too important to her to let it go without a fight.

Thea looked out to the ocean as her three friends chatted about the night, letting the crash of the waves drowned out their voices and do its magic on her heavy spirit. She silently watched the waves for a moment, imagining how she would ride each one. 'Mind surfing' Max called it. She loved the way the beach's massive spotlights outlined each wave that rolled in, lighting up the white water as it washed up the shore. Night was one of Thea's favourite times to be down by the ocean; the water had an almost magical way of drawing her in. She slipped off her shoes and crept away from the group, making her way down to the water's edge. Tiptoeing into the wet sand she gathered up the bottom of her dress to keep it from getting wet and closed her eyes. She exhaled, draining her lungs of all the air she could, and paused; her 'calm down' routine. When she could no longer go without oxygen she breathed in the salty night air letting the ocean take over her senses. A feeling of utter tranquility came over her washing away any anger, fear, or uncertainty she had kept in her heart. 'If only life could be this peaceful all the time.' It was moments like these when Thea could fully appreciate the ocean without fear creeping into her mind. It was as if God used the very thing that scared her to speak to her as well. One thing he constantly reminded her of was that he had always kept his promises; he would never let her be tempted with more than she could handle, and when she was going through a hard time he would always be there whether she felt him or not.

The warm Caribbean water ran over her feet and ankles, the sand caressing her skin. She longed to dive in and swim forever; as far as, and wherever the sea would take her.

She felt eyes on her as she turned her head and glanced up the beach. Max stood barefoot a few feet away. "Oh sorry, did you say something?" She had a bad habit of tuning people out when she was in her 'happy place'.

He nodded. "Isn't it your big secret? You should be careful; anyone who saw you standing there could guess it."

Thea gave him a confused smile. She had clearly missed something. "Guess what?"

Max gave a dramatic sigh and walked closer. "You, standing there barefoot in the water looking breathtaking—especially with that amazing purple dress on—humming to yourself and staring longingly at the ocean... Good thing it's not a full moon." He winked, gently teasing her. He pushed his hands deep into his pockets.

"Ah." Thea looked back to the ocean, acting as if he had interrupted her. Well, he kind of had... "You think I'm a mermaid." A smile played on her lips. Had he just called her breathtaking? She turned her back to the waves, the breeze tossing her loose hair around her face and tugging at the bottom of her dress gathered loosely in her hands. Max gently tucked the loose hair back behind her ear. "So you finally guessed it. But then you also know," Thea stood on her toes so she could whisper in his ear, "That now I'm going to have to drown you."

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