Chapter 15: A Turn for the Worst

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It was nearly pitch black. Thea could feel the water rising higher and higher around her at an alarmingly fast rate. It was just passing her hips.

She didn't know how she had gotten there or where she was and it terrified her. She knew, somehow, that she was in the ocean, but how she knew that was beyond her. Her only thought was that she had to escape the rising water. She had to get out before it consumed her.

She struggled against the water which rushed towards her from all sides. Extending her arms and legs she attempted to grab hold of or brush against something that could save her. But her fingers and toes made contact with nothing but water.

It was lapping up her neck now. Thea clawed at the water and began calling out to anyone that might be near. But no one came. Finally the cold darkness consumed her and she saw images; hues of dark, eerie blues and greys swirling around her, catching her eye and playing tricks on her mind. Panicking, she spun in circles looking for an escape from the terror—the endless darkness. And then she saw it; a body under the surface of the water fighting to get free, just as she was. She could neither swim nor call out to them; only watch on in horror. The person turned their face towards her but Thea could not make out exactly who it was, whether it was Max or Simeon, for their face was obscured from her view. He called out muffled, incoherent words, but as hard as she tried she could not udder a sound or swim even a stroke. He made one last effort to reach out to her before a mouthful of water choked down his lungs.

Thea screamed.

All was black as she bolted upright, clutching the material in her hands, and tried to remember where she was. The moon's light barely made it through her window curtain to fall across the floor in a thin line and across the fins of her surfboard. Everything flooded back to her all at once and she remembered she was in her own room, in bed.

Thea started at the sound of heavy footsteps running toward her room. Her door flew open and her father made his way to her side. "It's okay Thea, your safe. I'm right here sweetheart." He wrapped her in a bear hug. "It was only a dream," he consoled her and kissed her forehead.

She closed her eyes as quiet, fearful tears slid down her cheeks. "No Dad, it was a nightmare." She let out a shaky breath. "A horrible, terrifying nightmare."

It would not be an easy next couple of weeks.

"Morning honey, how did you sleep last night?" Her mother asked as Thea slowly walked into the kitchen and tiredly plunked herself into a chair.

Her father looked up from his plate of pancakes, a concerned look on his face. "No more bad dreams I hope."

Thea gave him half a smile. "No, no more nightmares. But I tossed and turned all night." She glanced at the clock. It read 9 a.m. "Twelve hours hardly seems long enough." Normally Thea woke up around 5:45 a.m. to get ready and meet Max on the beach at 6 a.m. She strongly believed the saying, 'The early bird gets the worm'.

"Will you still go to the beach with your friends this morning?" Her mom inquired. "You'll be a bit late, but it'll be nice all day for surfing." Her mom hardly ever encouraged her to go out surfing. It wasn't the safest sport and her parents weren't keen on the 'dangerous creatures that swam below'. Considering the circumstances Thea was surprised she was allowed to continue venturing out into the ocean.

"No, I already texted Max and Malea to let them know I'm passing on today."

"Well I'm sure they'll understand." Her mom gave her a quick smile and passed her a plate of pancakes.

"It's a pancake breakfast and nobody woke me up?!"

Thea turned around to see her little brother, still in his 'surfs up' pajama pants, sleepily rubbing his eyes. "Mornin' Jer!" She always enjoyed having breakfast with her family. It was kind of a Tyler tradition; they always tried to have their meals together.

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