Chapter 14: Endurance and a Brave Heart

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Thea sat on a cold, hard wooden chair in Simeon's hospital room, her knees pulled up to her chest. She mulled over everything her father had told her and Max in the hall, but it was all so unclear. Everything except for the amnesia. That was for certain.

Thea had come back in the room, determined she could get Simeon to remember; to 'ring a bell' that no one else could. But the reality was that the last 3 years were just blurry bits and pieces to her younger brother. He could remember up until his 10th birthday but after that the memories pretty much stopped. Everything her brother had learned in the last 3 years: surfing, learning about marine life, 3 years of homeschooling, snorkeling in the ocean with her and Max... how had that all disappeared?

And then her mind traveled to God; the only one who had the power to have stopped this whole situation. But it wasn't like Thea to blame God - she couldn't be angry with Him. Every once and awhile Satan would tempt her with doubts, festering her mind with lies that God was being unfair; that He wasn't as just and holy and good as she thought (which of course, He is so much incredibly better than she could imagine). But Thea knew God was sovereign and had total control. Even when things went sour, it didn't mean God was trying to punish them or make them hurt, it just made it all the more evident that they didn't know what God's ultimate, perfect plan was for their lives. As it says in Isaiah 55:8+9, 'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.'

Which is why Thea knew that it had been God who had saved Simeon and allowed him to wake up having only amnesia, because the situation could have been so much worse. She sent up a prayer of thanks to the Lord for His sovereignty, goodness and love to her family.

Lastly, Thea's mind, as well as her eyes, turned to Max. He sat across the room on a cushioned chair about double the size of Thea's. He had a pained expression on his face as he watched the sleeping twins. The adults had left to stretch their legs and grab some coffee and food; their first break in 24 hours. Karina chose to stay with her twin (no surprise there) and they now shared the single hospital bed. Thea could only guess what Max was thinking; that he was to blame for Simo's situation because he hadn't moved fast enough or been strong enough when her brother had needed him. Max had only just told her and her father in the hall what had happened. It hurt Thea's heart to think that he had been holding it inside for so long, harbouring the guilt and pain...

———- Moments ago ————

"Lets hope and pray he doesn't remember the accident." Max spoke quietly, his face serious and somber. Thea tried to remember what Max had told her about the accident but realized he hadn't said anything. No one other than him (now that Simeon had amnesia) knew what had actually happened.

"What did happen out there, Max?" Thea asked tentatively. It wasn't an easy subject to talk about considering it had only been 24 hours since it happened. Emotions were still raw and tense.

He looked from Thea to her father. "Maybe we should have a seat."

Her dad nodded and settled on the opposite side of the hallway against the wall. Thea faced Max with butterflies in her stomach and crossed her legs. He had been there for her when she needed someone and now it was her turn to do the same for him, even though she wasn't sure she was ready to hear what actually went down.

"By the time I had figured out just how bad Simo's foot was stuck, I didn't have much time to think." Max started, looking down at his lap. "So I prayed... I was so scared. I didn't want to have to do it, but I had no choice." He lifted his eyes to Thea's face-the pain unmistakable in his ocean blue eyes. "I reached into the crevice, as far as my hands would fit and grabbed onto his foot. But the way that his heel was stuck in the rock, I had to plant my feet against the reef and pull with all my weight." He closed his eyes as they began to tear up. "I got him unstuck after one yank and got him to the surface, but..." His forehead creased as he paused, seeming to wrestle with himself. "He was already unconscious and I couldn't tell if he was breathing or not. Somehow Byron had realized we needed help, no doubt thanks to God, and came over on his sea-doo..." Max shrugged his shoulders and quickly wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. "And you guys know the rest."

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