Chapter 13: The Waiting Game

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"How is he?" Max was the first to speak as the group made their way onto the beach. Max, Thea and her two siblings had made it back to the shore within minutes and were immediately met by Max's parents. The Theissens had stayed behind to wait for the kids while the Tyler's had rushed in the ambulance with their son.

"The Life Guards worked on him until the ambulance made its way here." Mr. Theissen explained as they all made their way to his vehicle, "They had started CPR just minutes before the paramedics arrived; thank the Lord for a close hospital." He shot up a quick prayer. 

"We know they got him breathing," his wife continued, "but other than that, all we know is from what we overheard them saying; they needed to get him stable. That's what we've been praying for since."

"Yes. It was by God's grace that Byron made it to the beach so fast." Mr. Theissen concluded.

"How did he make it to the beach with Simo? I mean," Thea turned to Max, "How did he know you guys were in trouble?" It was the first time she had spoken in what seemed like ages. Her voice was raspy and felt dry no matter how many times she swallowed.

 "He had spotted us earlier as we were snorkeling," Max explained, the wiriness also evident in his voice, "but when Simeon went under and I sent Karina to the dinghy he must have sensed something was wrong and came over..." He paused as he thought back to their short exchange.


Max had quickly explained the situation to Byron and did his best to lift Simeon out of the water into Byron's arms. "Take him to shore, his parents are on the beach. They'll need to call an ambulance—I think he's breathing but just barely." 

"Max, about earlier—" Byron tried to apologize but Max cut him off.

"Don't worry about it man, I forgive you. But you've gotta talk to Thea; it was her you really hurt." Max sent a concerned glance toward Simo and added "Be careful with him" before the sea-doo turned and took off. He was going to say, 'Be careful with him, his life is in your hands now,' but he knew it wasn't. Simeon's life was in God's hands. And praise the Lord that it was, because there was little anyone else could do in the meantime.


Max glanced over at Kari and gave her a knowing smile as they arrived at the van. "I guess Byron surprised us all today. I wouldn't have expected him to ever lend us a hand again." Thea let out what sounded like a sarcastic, hard-hearted laugh. "You know," Max mentioned to her as they squeezed in the back of the truck beside Kari (Jericho sat in the front between Max's parents), "He apologized to me today before he took Simo to the beach."

"Ya well, I've heard enough of his apologies and don't really care if they're authentic or not." She didn't try to hide the bitterness in her tone as she spoke.

The van started up and pulled out of the parking lot and on to the road. Max could have replied to her comment but instead he pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. She had too much on her mind and it wasn't the time to admonish her. He felt her melt into him, her body quivering every now and then. Max smiled. He knew that if there was one thing Thea could use more of, no matter what the situation, it was affection, and he had no problem lavishing it on her. Especially now with everything that was happening, both of them needed someone to wrap in their arms.

The van pulled into the hospital parking lot and quickly emptied as the friends and family rushed inside to the front desk. It was nearly 5:00 p.m. and the sun was no longer shining, but hiding behind a strip of small clouds that lined the horizon. Thea's senses felt dull and worn out now that the adrenaline had stopped pumping through her body. It had been a 25 minute drive with the traffic. The ambulance had undoubtedly made it in half that time.

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