Chapter 12: Rescue

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Flashback ————————————

Max puffed through his snorkel, shooting salt water out the top as he reached the surface. He chuckled as he heard Kari getting at Simeon (for about the 3rd time) for falling behind. 

"Come on, Simo! Remember what mom and dad said; we're only allowed to snorkel out here if we stay with Max." 

"Alright already!" Her brother exclaimed, rather annoyed, "I heard you the first hundred times." 

The twins might have been inseparable, but that didn't mean that they didn't argue half the time. Max figured he should intervene before taking them back to the boat; Thea didn't find their bickering as entertaining as He did. "It's okay Kari, he's not that far behind. The important thing is that we can all see each other." Max turned his attention to the other twin. "So what do you think, Simo? Wasn't it a perfect day to go snorkeling?" 

"Ya! Thea was right; there are so many different fish, and the schools are so big! Could we see that tall rock we swam over on our way back? I think I saw something to take back and show Jer." 

Max smiled. The Tyler kids always looked out for each other. "Sure! Why don't you lead the way?" 

They hadn't swam more than a few meters when a sarcastic voice shouted to them over a loud engine.  "Whoa, what do we have here?! Are the homeschoolers out on a field trip today?" 

'So much for a peaceful afternoon.' Max thought as he closed eyes and sighed inwardly. 'Lord, give me strength to walk away.' 

"Aw, did you get stuck with babysitting today, Theissen?"

Byron's taunting voice burned in his head as Max continued following the twins. "Not today McLeod." 

The Australian laughed at Max's efforts to ignore him. "Well some other time then!" He promised. "I wouldn't want to upset you lot again or you might crash my next party."

Max watched Kari pause and throw a frightening glare at Byron before glancing back at Max to see if he was going to react. He gave her a reassuring smile and nodded for her to keep swimming. All Byron wanted was a reaction, and Max wasn't about to give it to him.

Realizing this, Byron revved the engine of his sea-doo. "Fine, maybe I'll go see if Thea wants to chat." He taunted menacingly before spraying the trio on his way by.

"That guy is such a jerk!" Karina blurted out when Byron was out of earshot.

"Easy Kari." Max warned her softly, "He might not be the nicest guy but—"

"Ya think!? Try atrocious, fiendish, and despicable."

"Karina." Kari closed her mouth and looked at Max guiltily. There weren't many times Max had to use his 'big brother' voice, and at this particular moment he could have even sided with Kari, but he knew he had to be an example of how a Christian should act. "Do you really think anyone is deserving of hatred or contempt?" The 13 year-old's vocabulary never ceased to amaze him.

Kari looked down and shook her head.

Max continued gently, "One day, Byron might impress us all and prove just how nice he really is." Okay, it might be wishful thinking. "But I think he's had a hard life growing up and the least we can do is show him some of the love Jesus shows us. Would that be too hard?"

She shook her head and smiled. "No, I guess you're right."

Max smiled and messed up her hair jokingly. "Of course I am."

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