4. Hamilton-Turner Inn Hotel, Savannah, GA

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Three days later, Liam came home with two flight tickets to somewhere in United States. Zayn was surprised that his husband would start this 'travelling' soon, with a quiet far destination as well. They packed their clothes that night before they went to bed, wondering if Zayn would really remember the good old days and have his memories back.

There they were in the air plane the next morning, with Liam holding Zayn's hand tightly. Liam knew Zayn was nervous, it was his first time having a flight– at least since the accident and since he didn't remember a thing, so he kept kissing his husband's knuckle and it made Zayn feel safe somehow.

The flight from London to Georgia took eight hours and fifteen minutes within non-stop, it was enough for both of them to continue their sleep.

Once they arrived at Hartsfield-jackson Atlanta International Airport, they had a bit of jet lag because of the hours difference. Georgia time is five hours behind London. Sometimes timezone sucks.

They rented a car then started driving carefully–since it was three in the morning–to the hotel Liam had already booked earlier in Savannah.

"How long will this take?" Zayn asked, unbuckling his seatbelt so he could change his seat position, leaning it back a little.

"This takes four hours driving, Zayn. It's better if you sleep now so you won't be tired." Liam said softly. "You'll be okay if I sleep?", Liam nodded then smiled fondly at his wide-eyed husband. "Okay."

And with that, Zayn fell asleep while Liam was driving in silence.

Seven in the morning, Liam parked the car finally. He woke Zayn up gently, caressing the love of his life's cheek. "Baby, wake up. We're here." Zayn yawned cutely—Liam thought—before he opened his eyes. "Where are we?"

"The hotel, babe." Liam said getting out of the car, then getting their luggage out. Zayn helped once he was out of the car. He eyed the building in front of him. It seemed familiar though. "Liam this is beautiful." He whispered, eyes were still on the building.

Liam felt proud that Zayn was satisfied by the hotel he chose, the hotel that they used to go. "We stayed here during winter break," Liam said holding Zayn's hand then they stepped into the hotel. "Back when I was in the university."

They got to their room and cleaned up after a such long drive, and flight. Liam wrapped his arms around his small husband then took him to the bed. Zayn giggled, snuggled to him.

"Sleep." Liam ordered softly, kissed his lover's hair. Zayn instantly obeyed, he closed his eyes then back to sleep and so Liam did.

Liam had planned everything, and all of them was already scheduled. He wanted his husband to remember every moment they shared back in the past. Also he wanted to do it all over again, he never got bored doing a thing or two with Zayn.

He felt it was just like their first time again.

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