13. Begin Again

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"Why you seem so tense?" Liam approached him, "did I scare you?" He chuckled. Zayn rolled his eyes playfully and shook his head. The taller lad set himself in the bed, sat right next to where the smaller one was.


Liam hummed, getting closer to his husband. "I was thinking," It came out more like a question than a statement. Liam was used to his husband's habit where sometimes he would be nervous for speaking up, even to him. "What is it, Zayn?"

"Maybe we can begin again." Zayn looked at his husband in the eye this time. A second ago he was unsure but now he seemed pressed. And Liam didn't want that.

"Baby, if you're not ready yet then we can wait."

He never wanted Zayn to feel that way, never wanted to pursue him to do things he wasn't ready for. But he didn't want to let his lover forget all the things they shared back then either. So waiting was the only option.

"But the time is ticking and I want to go somewhere with you again." Liam stroked Zayn's hair. He understood all the new information would be difficult to be accepted and even would cause a confusion to a person who suffered with memory loss. And he just wanted to take it easy with Zayn.

"Please, Liam. Take me away again. Let's visit new places, help me to remember because a part of me was missing you and it's been so long. I just want to remember us.."

Liam nodded, "I'll be ready whenever you are." Was the only thing he said.

So the next morning they packed their suitcase together, already booked tickets to their next destination. Zayn said a goodbye to his mum and hugged her. She were worried about
her only child because he could barely remember anything, but he promised her that he would be alright.

Liam wanted to take the suitcase from his lover's hands, but Zayn insisted that he wanted to carry it himself. So he walked out of the house carrying the suitcase with Liam following behind. They got in the car then drove away to the airport.

The drive was silent. But Zayn managed to make the man beside him talked. He turned his head to look at Liam, "what made you decide to be with me? I mean, married to me?"

Liam glanced at him quick, but then his lips curved into a smile. "It was this one day when we were in college, I woke up alone and somehow wanted to marry you right away. I didn't know why, but I did."

"So what happened next? When did you propose to me?" Zayn battled his long and thick eyelashes.

"I booked a ticket then had a flight here."

Zayn furrowed his eyebrows this time. "Here?" He asked confusedly. Liam still with his smile, but his eyes were focused on the road. "It was happened in the seasonal break for both of us, so, yeah." He chuckled.

"You went to London from California only for me??" Zayn seemed surprised, his eyes were wide. It's unbelievable, he thought.

"For me too, because I didn't think I could survive another days waking up without you, away from you, because I was so sure I was ready then to take our relationship to the next level. So that was basically for us. But, yeah, mostly for you." Liam nodded.

"What about your college?"

"We got engaged until we both graduated and accepted for a job. We saved our money together in your bank account. One day we counted the money and found out it was time to buy a place we'd call home as soon as possible. And finally, we rented an apartment and moved out of our houses to live together. So our relationship didn't affect my, or your education in a bad way at all. We always know and understand our priorities which was good."

Zayn nodded his head understandingly, "so that means we started from a very bottom, then?"

"Yes. But we're here now. And that's why I don't want to let you go." Liam parked the car. Their talk made the driving seemed shorter than it was supposed to be.

They got out of the car, Liam hurrily opened the back door so he got to carry their suitcase. He was faster than his husband. Zayn only rolled his eyes playfully, then linked his fingers to Liam's empty hand. Only for Liam to latch his fingers back to his.

They walked hand in hand, heading to the waiting room after they checked in. They decided to take some good sleep for some minutes until their plane arrived. They slept with Zayn's head rested on Liam's shoulder and the taller man's right arm surrounding him and his left one holding the suitcase.

When the plane was ready, they woke up and got in the plane. Liam let his husband walked first so he could sit right next to the window. Zayn had this weird obsession with skies.

He would call the skies pretty and all other things. And Liam would just admire the way he started jumping up and down on his seat with his sparkly eyes and crinkled nose.

For Liam, there wasn't any reason for not liking his beautiful husband.

The plane was about to board but Zayn was too excited he forgot to buckle his own seatbelt. Liam leant closer to him and buckled the seatbelt for him. Zayn flushed deep red at that but whispered a small 'thank you' anyway.

And with that, they had their chance to travel again. Only the two of them. Even though they had to start everything from the very first time again, but they didn't mind. And Liam loved it.

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