7| The Deep Magic, The Battle of Beruna and Aslan

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Alarice leaned on Edmund, who tightly wrapped an arm around her to comfort her as they watched Peter walked out of Aslan's tent.

"He is gone." Peter said and smiled comfortingly at Alarice. "I'm sorry."

Alarice pulled away from Edmund as she forced out a smile. "My life was starting to take place, then this happened." she said sadly as Peter sighed and comfortingly wrapped his arms around her.

Edmund looked Alarice and Peter. "You two will have to lead us." he said as the two turned to him. "Alarice, Peter there's a whole army out there and it's ready to follow you both."

Peter shakes his head. "I can't."

Alarice sighed. "I'm not ready for this."

"Aslan believed you could, and so do I." Edmund told them with a smile.

Alarice and Peter looked at each other with uncertainty in their eyes.

Alarice sighed in defeat and held her hand out to Peter. "Everyone is counting on us. Everyone is believing in us. We're not alone in this battle." she said as Peter smiled warmly at her and grabbed her held out hand.

"The Witch's army is nearing, milady, sire. What are your orders?" Oreius asked.

Alarice and Peter looked at Edmund, who nodded at them. They glanced at each other before looking down at the map.


Alarice rode her white horse towards Peter and Oreius as she looked up at the gryphon flying over Beruna. She positioned herself between the two as the gryphon landed beside Peter.

"They come, Your Majesty, Your Highness, in numbers and weapons far greater than our own." The Gryphon reported.

"Numbers do not win a battle." Oreius said.

"No..." Peter trailed off and glanced at Alarice.

Alarice let out a troubled sigh. "But, I bet they help."

Peter nodded in agreement as he and Alarice looked at the distance and saw Jadis led her army to the battlefield. Alarice and Peter looked back at Edmund, who was up on the hill with the archers and Mr. Beaver. They nodded at eachother before Alarice and Peter turned back to look at their enemies.

"Are you with me, Peter?" Alarice asked as she looked at Peter.

Peter smiled at her and nodded. He and Alarice draws their swords, holding them up as a challenge while their army cheered.

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