13: Grown woman

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I rolled over onto a hard boy...Nip! He's finally back, he had to go to San Fran to handle something, so P is at her moms, and Morgan is still at Chris's so it was just me and my art for 2 days. I called Chris about Morgan and he said she was with mama J, and that he was having a blast with her and Mimi, which I was truly happy about. I'm glade that he likes fatherhood and that he can have both his kid under one roof. Nip didn't have a problem with Chris getting Morgan, come to think about it he's the one to suggest that they spend more time together. I never really question Nip, because he's normally right. Hm....something to think about.

I rested my head on his chest as he played in my hair.

"I missed you." I said lowly

"I missed you more." He said deeply

"How was the trip?" I asked looking up to him with my chin now on his chest

"Work as always." He mumbled

"Oh well you have been truly missed king nip." I smiled

"Well I'm nothing with out my queen." He rubbed my lower back

"I love you baby." I smiled

"Love you more than the air I breath. Babe are you meeting with the wedding planner today?" He asked me

"Uh there's still gonna be a wedding?" I asked

"Why wouldn't it be?" He asked pulling away from me so he could see my face

"Well with the move and Chris coming back-" he cut me off

"Chris ain't got nothing to do with OUR relationship, he has everything to do with Morgan because that's her pops. I get that I wouldn't take that away from her, but I've been waiting to marry you since the first day I met you." He said

"Okay baby." I said softly

"I just Want to do this right." He mumbled

"WE will. I'm going to go cook you breakfast." I grabbed one of his shirts off the floor putting it on. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face, then went to the kitchen to cook for my king.


After breakfast Nip and I winded up on the sofa curled up watching boyz N the hood, one of his favorite movies. When I first met Nip back when I moved back to New York then I was only 18 he was really reckless in the streets and reminded me of Ice cube in this movie.

"Babe what you doing today?" I asked

"Nothing chilling in the house." He replied turning the channels

"Okay well I'm going out for a while." I got up

"Okay." He smiled at me. I went to the room, and hopped in the shower.

I dressed and Flat ironed my hair, then grabbed my purse and keys.

"Alright babe I'm gone." I stood by the door frame

"Damn babe, you look good." He said making me blush

"Thank you baby." I walked over to him leaning down to kiss him

"Behave with this outfit on!" He mumbled on my lips

"Yes father. Love you." I pecked his lips a few time

"Love you more." He replied

I winked at him grabbing the keys to the charger and made my way outside.

First stop was mama J's house where my kid was at this moment.

I picked up Leah on the way there and us two rode there. Pulling up I didn't see any care in the drive way, so I called mama and she said she was at Chris house and didn't know I was coming over. After getting his address I rode over there. His house seemed big....to big for him to live here by himself.

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