19: Honestly

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I slammed the door closed after watching London drive off. I'm tired of her always shutting me out her life. How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?

"Baby you okay?" Tae asked holding Morgan

"Yeah I'm fine." I mumbled

"I'm going to put her in Mimi's room." She smiled at Morg

"Ard." I waved her off

I'm labeled the bad guy for caring for my baby mama, I'm labeled the bad guy for loving her. I don't care no more, she moved on with her life, so am I.

Tae came back from Mimi room and finished setting up for this sleep over tonight.

"Bae you want anything?" She asked

Lately she's been playing the "wife" roll, but I know not to fall too deep dealing with her. There's a reason why her and I fell apart a long time ago. I love Tae, I probably always will but she is sneaky and honestly I don't trust her.

She always holds me down, even when I'm not the nicest and that's why I always mess with her. She's also a good mother to Mariah. I just can't see myself with her...with her. But I'll let her think that.

"Uh yeah can you make me a sand which?" I asked knowing she was going to jump to do it.

"Of course babe." I heard the smile present in her voice

"Cool" I rolled my eyes turning the T.V on to ESPN zone


"Babe I don't understand none of this." Nip complained as we walked through the art museum

"Because you're not looking at it." I giggled

"Cause I'm too busy looking at you." He grabbed me around the waist placing his hands on my stomach, I wasn't showing I still had my fit tummy and that I was happy about. I'm about 5 weeks and honestly it's been going well, besides the back pains and morning sickness other than that I've been trying to stay healthy and stress free. Due to Chris showing out today I've kinda been on edge and not being able to focus. I mean who do he think he is? Coming at me sideways. Trying to sick his girl friend on me like she would be bold enough to do something. Got me bent

"Baby you okay? Your head is some where else." Nip said his cool breath near my ear.

"I'm sorry." I said lowly, I felt bad that I couldn't give him my full attention.

What's wrong." He asked

I never really lied to Nip, because I never had a reason to be dishonest with him. I just don't want to upset him.

"Well when I dropped Morgan off at Chris's, he had an attitude with me trying to get Tae to get smart with me." I said

He flexed his jaw, but remained his cool

"Word?" He asked

When he give one word replies I know he's upset.

"Yeah." I said lowly as well

"I got him." Was all he said before switching to his playful self. I trust him...and I also trust him not to do anything because that is my daughters father. He wouldn't do nothing....would he?


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