Chapter Four

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Sorry for the wait, I've been rather busy..with life and all. Anyhow, here's chapter four. Tell me what you think but, only if you really want to.  (YOU WANT TO.)

Chapter Four

Late Summer Rain

"I'd like you to meet Hunter." My grandfather finished and with exact timing, Hunter turned around in his seat, smiling warmly at me.

"Hi, I'm Hanley." I smiled back politely, and walked up the four steps onto the porch. Stretching my hand out and interlocking with his, in a formal handshake.

"Yes, I believe we've met." He stated with a slight chuckle.

"Mhmm, Susie's Diner." I answered while releasing his hand and taking a seat beside my grandpa.

He smiled back in response.

"Oh, would you like anything? Tea? Soda? Water? What about you grandpa?" I immediately asked, standing up.

"Sure, I'd like a glass of tea. Thank you for offering." Hunter replied appreciatively.

"Dear, would you mind making me some Dr. Pepper?"

"Grandpa, you know that you shouldn't drink any of those kinds of drinks. How about some water or tea instead?" I laughed.

"Water. You're going to offer me water after I clearly said I wanted some Dr. Pepper?"

"You know what the doctor said about soda." I pointedly looked at him.

"Honey, I've been living on this earth for thirty more years than that doctor. I've been through war, heartbreak, and the driest drought to hit America.  I think I'll survive some soda." He laughed heartily, patting my back.

"Fine, you can have soda but, no chocolate cake for you."

"Chocolate cake?" He asked with immediate hope shining bright in his eyes.

You see, there's a way to every person's heart and for Harry, it's chocolate cake. He absolutely loves chocolate cake. I found this out when I turned thirteen. I had accidentally broken a horse stable door so, before I let my grandfather know what I had done. I baked him a cake.

Luckily it was chocolate.

"No, you said you wanted some soda instead." I chuckled, walking fully into the house and shutting the front door behind me.

Minutes later, I returned with three cups in my arms. One soda and two teas.

"Here you go, sorry it took so long." I apologized, handing Hunter his tea and my grandpa his much requested Dr. Pepper. "Oh, no problem." Hunter shrugged it off, as I took my seat.

I smiled in return, placing the cool cup to my lips, ready to take a long sip of the tea.

Harry's raspy voice broke through, half into swallowing. "Hanley, Hunter is going to be helping us here on the farm."

Without any warning, without any 'hey, I'm about to catch you by surprise', my grandfather threw the news into my face. This revelation had me lost for words --- literally.

I was choking on my tea and with each heavy knock from my grandfather's hand on my back, I was still sputtering the liquid up, trying to catch my breath. "What do you mean 'helping us on the farm'?"  I finally found myself able to ask.

"Well Hanley, I know first hand how much work there is to do on the farm. You can't do it all by yourself. It's too much for one person, and don't expect me to sit here and watch you work your butt off all day."

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