Chapter Eight

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Late Summer Rain

Chapter Eight

Hunter's words echoed in my head, bouncing around endlessly. His words held truth and I couldn't help but smile at them. They reminded of something my dad would say. I could see those words escaping his lips, he was always so wise. He'd tell me now, to use whatever he had said. To take in those words and use them somehow. I silently promised myself to. I'd take what Hunter had just said and somehow use it.

How? I wasn't sure. I glanced, sneakily, to where Hunter was sprawled out along the high grass. His form completely at ease, his eyes wide in wonderment. What was he thinking at this very moment, gazing at the stars the way he was? What was that glint I could see so clearly in his eyes? Shining so bright, almost as if he wanted it to be known. A poke to my arm brought me out of my temporary zombie state, a quick wave of Hunter's hand in front of my eyes making me blink twice.

"What're you thinking about?" A tired smile gracing his face, his head turned my way.  His eyes seemed to lose focus, running aimlessly about my face, before locking back onto my own once again. My silence, though it seemed much longer, was mere seconds. "What are you thinking about?" I replied, my eyes keeping his locked tightly. I tried to look away, but they only ended up back in Hunter's gaze. Locked there, secure for now.

"Oh, I-" He looked apprehensive, like he wanted to tell me something but, it wasn't what I wanted to hear. Perhaps, the truth, his real thoughts but, he knew they wouldn't be something I would like. "I, uh.." This wasn't the Hunter I had come to known. I let my eyes close, letting out a small sigh. "What is it, Hunter?"  A flash of uncertainty went dancing across his eyes, as if he was battling himself on what to say. "You can tell me, you know." I spoke softly, reassuringly. His eyes closed once, a deep breath being drawn in before it was released.

"I want to, Hanley. You just wo- I just can't right now. It's not the right time." His eyes pleaded with me silently, captivating my curiosity entirely. I nodded, as much as I could while laying down, in understanding.

"Well, when you're ready. Promise?" I half-joked but, was met with serious eyes. "I promise, when the time is right."

 The night ended late. If we had stayed much longer, we would have seen the sun rise. Not much discussion after Hunter's promise, however. Just comfortable silence, watching the night sky and listening to the sounds around us.

I awoke to a noise of a vehicle coming down our road, peering out the window, I spotted a newer truck. An unfamiliar, newer truck. Exiting the house, the screen door screeched along the wooden planks of the porch, before clicking shut. The owner of the truck was now making his way to the porch, to me. I glanced to my right, seeing Hunter standing alongside the barn, shovel in hand.

"How're you, Miss?" His southern twang greeted me.

"I'm okay, you?" He nodded his reply before continuing, "I was sent from the bank, Miss. Appears this property here has been in foreclosure?" Though, it seemed like a question, he kept on, " They've been real lenient with you folks, from what I hear. Rose and 'em are good people, I take it. We do have a bit of an issue though, the deadline for the payoff has been moved forward. If the funds are not received by Friday, next week, I'm afraid that's that."

If I hadn't been leaning along the railing, my legs would've buckled beneath me. The date had been moved forward? We had a little less than a week until the pay-off?

More importantly, how was I going to come up with that money?

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