Chapter Five

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Enjoy.   ಥ‿ಥ

Late Summer Rain - Chapter Five

Sleep faded from my mind as my eyes slowly adjusted to the light filling my room. Another day gone as the darkness fell from the sky and the sun rose. One less day of this week, one less day of this month, one less day of this year. One less day till the loan is to be paid off.

I stared at my ceiling, plain and white. The texture of it artfully slapped on by cheap carpenters that we hired to do fixer-uppers. This was my life so, why was I unhappy? Not content? I should be. I have everything I need and I'm grateful for it but, why do I feel incomplete ? A sigh escaped my lips as I turned onto my side in my warm bed, the sheets tugging along with me.

My eyes drifted along the pictures that sat on my side-table. A small girl stared back at me, her eyes glistening with tears, her smile wide, her small body curled into a ball laying on the grass. Two arms were stretched into the picture and placed underneath the girl's arms. Her dad was tickling her.

My dad was tickling me.

I smiled as the memory crept into my mind. The moment. The day. The time. I tried to savor it but, it soon became blurry and just like night, faded away.

It was time to face reality though. It was time to save the farm.

My truck rattled it's way down the dusty road. Contents laying the truckbed bounced around but, I could barely hear them. My mind wandered onto thoughts of money, the farm, and surprisingly, Hunter. Why was he here? Because his family aren't home? It sounds awfully strange to me. Why has he chosen to work on our farm? How did he even know we needed help?

I came to a stop at the mid-way road streetlight. The light flashed red. How was I going to raise this money?

"Hanley, dear. This will be your third shirt, hun. Go home." Gloria smiled at me.

"I know, I just really need this money."

She looked at me sternly, this woman was my second mother. 

"Go home." She mouthed, grabbing a tray of drinks and walking to a table.

There was no winning with Gloria and I had to admit defeat.

Dawn was breaking. This time I was arriving home. Two full shifts and I was exhausted.

I crept into the house, trying not to wake anyone. It was quite early afterall. Up the stairs, I climbed and into my room, I went. I pulled back my blankets and climbed into my welcoming bed.

My eyes closed.

Five minutes later, they opened.

"Hanley, are you awake?" A voice sounded and light thud knocked on my door.

"Yes, one minute." I sighed, getting up and opening the door. "Yes, Hunter?"

"I was going to ask if I could use your help out in the ba- oh, are you going to work?" He interrupted himself.

"No, I just got home."

"Did I wake you up?"

"Yep." I laughed.

"I'm sorry." He apologized awkwardly, switching onto his other foot.

"It's alright, what do you need help with?"

"You're going to help me?"

I shut the door and walked back to my bed.

I slipped my shoes on and opened my door, walking into the hall. The screen door screeched as I pushed it open. The bright sun was now set in the sky, clouds few.  Working was easy for me. I knew what the accomplishments meant. If I could accomplish it, I mean.

Because if I did, this would be mine. This entire farm, this house.

Mine. Something of my own and that meant more to me than, anything in this world.

"What do you need help with?" I asked Hunter while sliding the barn door open a couple more inches for extra light.

He looked up, shocked, " Grab a shovel."

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