Chapter Ten

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Night came fast. The darkness of the day finally settling down upon the open fields, the stars shining brightly above. The breeze that accompanied tonight's weather was almost uncomfortable. It was that slightly chilly gust that sent a shiver down your spine every once in awhile. In fact, I was probably a little too cold for my liking, but the coldness against my skin seemed to numb my thoughts.

My feet skimmed across the grass as I kept swinging gently, my eyes wandering around before settling on the moon. It was unusually clear and bright tonight, the defined craters were visible.

"Hanley?"  And as the hoarse voice intruded my mind, I almost fell out of the swing. A muffled scream and a deep breath later, I had come to realize Hunter had snuck up behind me.

"You scared me half to death!" I laughed lightly. His face was hidden in the darkness, masked by the shadows of the night, but somehow I knew he was smiling along - laughing at my expense. 

"Sorry about that." He apologized, "you okay?"

My smile slowly contained itself, a sigh escaping my lips without hesitation. "I'm scared." I admitted. He moved through the tall grass, before sitting down in front of me - in front of the now stopped swing. His features still covered in a blanket of black, the moon highlighting his body.

"There's no need to be, Han." His voice gentle, though that could stem from the fact it was two o'clock in the morning. His arm extended upwards and he rubbed a hand over his face, letting out a long breath.

The silence stretched on for a moment as we both sorted through our own thoughts."How can you be so sure?" I asked looking at him.

"I just," He paused, "Things will work out for you. Trust me, alright?" He almost pleaded, trying to get me to believe in his words.

"I want to, Hunter. It's just..things never have. Why would they now?"

Suddenly, Hunter was closer. Much closer. His hands resting on my shoulders, as he knelt in front of me. "They will. This time they will," he said as one hand left my shoulder and touched my cheek, tucking the loose strands of hair behind my ear.

"This time, Hanley, they will work out. I promise you. Just promise me you will accept it, that's all I want in return."

"Why wouldn't I accept it if things worked out?" I asked confused.

"Just promise me, Hanley."

"I promise."

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