Chapter 8

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"What are you two still doing in here?" My Dad's voice come from the door way "just hanging out dad." "Well hang out down stairs with everyone else I don't like the thought of you two only and keep and eye on your sister and that girly looking one I don't want them alone either." "Okay" Cc and I got up and walked to the door. The looks Cc and my dad was giving each other was making me really uncomfortable. Cc walked out before me and my dad put out his arm so I could not get threw and whispered harshly "keep your fucking mouth shut or I'll kill you your sister and those fucking idiots got it?" "Yes" we walked away leaving Cc and me alone in the hallway "what did he say" "nothing" Cc signed I can tell he is getting really frustrated with me not telling him stuff.

     We walked down stairs and seen everyone sitting on the couch "Cc!" Andy said a little to seriously "what" "outside now" they walked out the room together and out the back door. Everyone was looking at me then jinxx got off the couch and hugged me whispering in me ear "we have a plain" I looked at him with a confused look and sat down next to Anna. "So do you not like any of us but Cc and your sister?" Jake asked me "What?" "You only talk to Cc and Anna" "oh sorry I guess I just don't like to talk very much you all are really cool" "well thank you" all three boys said at once. Ugh I hate when people talk at the same time its weird. 
     "Do you guys want to do something today we all have been locked up in this fucking house for like ever." I asked looking at everyone "what is there to do around here?" Ashley asked curiously "umm not shit really but I'm sure we can find something to do." "Can we go to the bridge?" Anna asked "that will be fun we have not been there in forever. Do you all like swimming?" "Yes oh my god please lets go not saying that your house is boring but it is really boring" Jake said leaning his head back Anna and I giggled at him and got up "I'll go get Andy and Cc get some clothes to swim in or something." I walked out the room not waiting for a response from anyone.
     I opened to door and Andy stopped talking "oh its you I thought you was your mom or dad." "Nope its me we are going swimming y'all coming?" "Yess where are we swimming at?" They both said at the same time "ugh all of you need to stop that seriously. We are going to an old bridge." "Okay cool we'll go get ready and we can talked there  Andy." " okay cool" we all walked inside and got swim suits and some towels.
     When we got to the bridge all the guys looked at us " This water looks really shallow "Andy said I took off my tank top and jumped off the bridge. As I was falling I heard Cc yell " NO!" I splashed into the water and went down a good 5ft still no touching the bottom. I swam back to the top and yelled "nope we're good." Cc gave me a look before jumping off the side and splashing next to me when you came up he was still giving me that look. "What?" I asked "don't ever do that again." He said before everyone else was hitting the water. With everyone here we started a water fight. For the first time in so long I seen Anna smile not the fake smile she usually has but a real smile.
     We splashed around and laughed for a while then all went back up to the bridge.
    "How far is the drop?" Jinxx asked "umm from the bridge to water about 20ft but to the bottom we don't know the water has always been really deep Anna can't even get to the bottom she tries though." I replied Cc and Andy was whispering to each other and looked really serious. "So what is the plan thing you was talking about?" I asked  "Well we really don't know everything that went on last night but we all don't like it we know it was not good we want you both out of here." Jake said "why?" We all looked at Anna and Ashley put his arm around her making her smile a little "Because we care for you both." Ashley said "NO!" Anna yelled standing up and pushing Ashley away he quickly stood up too giving her a confused look "YOU DONT CARE NONE OF YOU DO WHY WOULD YOU? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US?" she yelled "Anna calm down please we don't want anything from you." Ashley said trying to calm her down.  "SHUT UP....JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT US NONE OF YOU DO... YOU EITHER WANT SOMETHING OR YOU'RE GOING TO...I DON'T... YOU'RE GOING TO DO...." she could not think straight and was shaking really bad I was so confused I have never seen her like this she is always so calm and collected she never breaks like this she is the strong one. I started crying she kept me together and now she is falling apart. We have to get out of here now

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