chapter five

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"what the hell where have you two been" "sorry we went to..." "the church" CC cut me off then whispered in my ear "never tell anyone but me your happy place then I will always find you "I smiled still holding CCs hand and walked into the living room "so are you two a thing now or what" Jake asked Sitting next to us me and CC just looked at each other we talked about a lot just not that "I get it you have not talked about it you should be a thing you two are cute together"  me and CC blushed and it was quite for a while I could not take it anymore "who wants to Watch a movie" "sure" they all said in unison "please stop doing that it's weird" they all just looked at one another then laughed "so what do you guys want to watch" "lady's pick first" "you all are my gest now pick a fucking movie" "damn okay" they all got up and Ashley was the first to the movies he picked up a movie and walked in the other room I followed him,"what are you doing" "hiding the Batman movie from Andy we all watched it to much" "oh I see well you know I have all of the Batman movies" Ashley looked at me then ran into the other room and came back with all my Batman movies and put them under the sink we walked back in the room after making popcorn and getting some different drinks "so what movie are we Watching "the nightmare before Christmas " "great choose" we all watch the movie then Anna ran in the door crying and shut her self in her room seconds later my mom came in trying to stop her I jumped away from CC and ran to Anna hitting the door as hard as I could yelling at her to open it I was trying to scare her a little Ashley came up behind me after I was knock like that for 5 minutes or more "Aaron let her be alone for a little while" I turned to face him tears falling down my face and crashing on the floor "NO I NEED HER SHE CAN'T DO THIS I NEED HER ASHLEY " I guess the others heard me cry and yelling the all came and CC wrapped his arms around me I needed someone to hold me like this I wrapped my arms around him and sobbed uncontrollable "make her open the door please CC " "What's wrong" "I can't tell you just open her door" "Aaron tell me What's wrong" "I don't know I just know something is not right something bad happened I can tell" I was still crying and he was still hugging me he let's go and knocked on Anna's door "Anna you don't have to talk to anyone just let Aaron know you are okay and let her see you please I hate this you both are crying and if I look at Aaron crying one more time I am going to cry"it was quite then the door came open and Anna was standing there she ran to me and hugged me crying "Anna are you okay please tell me NO one hurt you" "Yes my arm and tummy" I pulled away and pulled up her shirt and seen it was red I looked at the ground and tested up again when I heard my dad's foot steps and pulled her behind me he just looked at me he knew I was protective over Anna she is frugal he just looked at me and continued walking and I turned not wanting my back to him the guys was looking at me and I knew I fucked up doing that when they are right there so to cover up my mistake I did   the Same to them I pushed her behind me and blocked her from them "Aaron?" Cc asked stepping closer and I stepped back "stay away from Anna " he stepped back and Anna hit me "don't call me Anna " "sorry what do I call you then I am not calling you sister all the time it's weird" "I don't know call me bastard like you did at first " "NO YOUR NOT A BASTARD YOU ARE MY SISTER AND I LOVE YOU " "I love you too but don't call me Anna " "is Anna your really name" Ashley asked pushing me out the way to get to Anna I should stop him so I pushed him and stepped in front of Anna "do you think we will hurt her and who did hurt her" "Yes and does not matter" they all looked a little surprised then CC walked over and pulled me away from Anna and Ashley hugged her and pulled her to the others I tried to get to her but CC held me back "we would never hurt Anna or you Why would you think that what kind of person would hit a girl" Anna looked at me and I gave her the shut the Fuck up look "okay let them be boys go away I need talk to the girls" my Dad said from behind me I turned around and stepped in front of Anna I looked at her she took my hand and we followed him into Anna's room shutting the door "what the hell you two better not say anything to them mother fucking freaks" we just looked at the ground and Anna said "Why do you think they will try and help us get away from your ass" he looked at her and held up his hand but I grabbed it "don't fucking touch my sister I am fucking done with you Dad" he just looked at me then punched me in the belly I fell to the ground in pain and he kicked me over and over then he pulled me up by my hair and slammed me against the wall and wrapped his hands around my neck pushing against it then went to hit me again but there was a knock on the door Anna was pulling on my Dad and he pushed her to the ground letting go of me and walking to the door I fell to the ground and Anna pulled me into her arms "run Anna go" I said pushing her to the window she shook her head no and I got up pulling her to the door pushed passed my Dad and CC and ran to my room locking the door. Not long later someone was knocking on the door "Aaron...Anna are you two okay" it was my mom. I quickly put my hand over Anna's mouth and we sat in the corner of the room trying to be silent.  "Girls come out you can't stay in there forever" she said making Anna hide her face in my shoulder. After 5 minutes of trying to get us to come out she gave and walked away then CC was at the door "Aaron baby are you okay what happened in that room it did not sound good" I did not know what to do I wanted more then anything for CC to hold me and tell me its okay for me to tell him everything about my dad being abusive and my mom telling us we need it. "Aaron? Anna?" That is Ashley is he out there too well guess I will find out soon before I could stop her anna ran to the door and almost jumped into Ashley's arms  CC ran to me and wrapped his arms around me "baby are you okay what happened" I could not answer him I just started sobbing I want to tell him I need to tell him but if I do my dad will hurt me or anna but if I tell him he can help us. "Baby its okay I am here for you" for the rest of the night me and CC sat in the corner of my room I cried and he held me tight Anna and Ashley left a long time ago every few minutes one of the guys or Anna comes to check on us but it is the same I am crying and CC is hugging me trying to get me to talk around one in the morning CC made me get into bed he layed there with me I stopped crying and we was silent just cuddling together. I fell alseep and I guess he did as well.

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