Slit Wrists, and Empty Pill Bottles

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Liam Black

Okay so have you ever woke up in the morning disoriented wondering where you are it what day it is and then remember its Friday?? That's exactly what happened to me this morning when I rolled over. Getting out of bed I make my way to the bathroom to relieve myself and brush my teeth.

Walking into the kitchen I grab a pan from the ceiling and get all the ingredients I need from the fridge to make a semi huge breakfast.

After I decide to go simple and make pancakes, eggs and sausage, I turn on some music and get started.

After I finish cooking, I clean up and put everything on a tray and make my way upstairs back to Jake. Putting the tray on the dresser I jump into the bed and attempt to kiss him until he wakes up. When he doesn't stir, I try gently smacking him awake but he doesn't stir.

"Wakey, wakey Jakey poo!" I say trying to wake him up.

Getting annoyed I shake him but he still doesn't respond. Thinking he's playing around, I go into the bathroom with the intentions of waking him up with cold water.  When I walk in the fist thing I see are little drops of blood on the floor, and counter. Than I notice the sharpener razor sitting in a pool of blood, and the bottle of sleeping pills empty on the floor.

Pulling out my phone I call 911 for an ambulance.

"Hi um I need an ambulance to South 56th street please!!"

Walking back into the room, I throw the covers off of Jake to feel for his pulse.  When I see the amount of dried blood around his arms I start to feel sick.

After I spill the contents of what I'm guessing was last night's dinner I plop down on the floor. Everything after was a blur. One minute it was just me and Jake, and than all I know is that a bunch of people came into the house and took Jake downstairs.

I don't know how long I sat on the floor of my apartment racking my brain for possible explanations. I don't know how I can even be so calm. I don't know how I didn't notice what transpired last night.

For fucks sake how did I not notice he fucking slit his wrists?? He was in my freaking bed for fucks sake. I thought that me paying for his college would help him but I guess not. I didn't know how bad it took a toll on him. I'm such a horrible Dom, and boyfriend.

Getting off the floor, I grab a duffle bag and throw some clothes, my chargers and my laptop in. Throwing on some sweats and a black shirt I grab my shoes and shove them onto my feet.

When I get into the car I try to call his cousin Milo to let him know what's going on but when he doesn't pick up I decide to drive over there to let him know what happened.

When I pull up I get out the car and skip the steps to get to the door. Just as I'm about to get to the top step a small body crashes into mines and slips on the step.

Before I can even try and catch him, it's to late and he hits his head on the step with a loud thud.

"Jesus Christ! Are you okay??"

Panicking, I haul him up and carry him down the steps.

Opening the back door of my car, I lay him gently against the back seat and close the door. Jogging around I hope in the front and drive towards the hospital.

When we pull up, I run inside and ask for help. When the nurse comes back they put him on one of those wheely things and push him down the hall.

When he disappears, I plop into a seat and put my head into my head.

God this is one long ass Friday morning.

Hey guys so I finally was able to finish this chapter. I had ode writer's block. Anyways I hope that you guys enjoyed this short but well deserved chapter.

Also who do you think Adrian bumped into on the steps. Let me know before the next chapter.


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