College in California

18 2 1

Adrian Price

Running down the steps, I burst into the kitchen gripping my phone in my hand. " GUYS I GOT ACCEPTED!" I scream at everyone.

"Oh my gosh, did you get accepted to California College of the Arts!?'' Jenna screams grabbing my hands and  jumping around the kitchen with me.

When George and Brooke start looking at us like we are crazy, we don't even care. We continue to jump around like​ crazy people we are until George asks what's going on. Taking a deep breath, I sit and explain what's going on and why we are so excited right now.   

" When I was younger, I really liked to dance. I started dance lessons when I was three, than ever since than I fell in love with it. When I got older, I worked at a dance studio that wasn't far from where me and my mom lived for a few years. When I was in the hospital, I had to quit for obvious reasons."

"Not only did I have to stop working but I was to much of a mess to attend  school. When I was in the hospital though, I finished high school and with the help of Jenna, I  applied for colleges."

" A few first choice colleges turned me down but than my mom suggested I apply to schools for the Arts. At first a few colleges said no, but some saw my dancing videos and soon I started to receive scholarships. Than I got a call from California College of the Arts saying that they wanted me and stuff."

Grabbing a mug and the orange juice I pour a cup and chug it before continuing.

"So they said I had to send some paper work in and that I if I did I would qualify for a scholarship but it was a competitive scholarship, and I won. They pay for all four years and its a full ride. They pay for all my classes, books, and if I want to live on campus I could, but my mom left me some money if I want to live in a house which I might do."

"Congratulations man." George says getting up to put his cup in the sink. "So I assume your going. When is orientation and stuff?"

Bringing up the email, I look at the dates and pale. "Orientation is this Friday, and my first class begins Monday next week. That doesn't make sense because its Wednesday, and I haven't even booked my flight or packed." 

"I think you should call the school and ask them about all of this." Brooke suggests pulling Jenna out of the room. Pulling up the number for the school, and grab a pen and paper and sit down. 

When I finally get on with the dean, I talk to her about my problem in terms of orientation, and transportation. "I apologize for the confusion Mr.Price. Orientation isn't mandatory for someone in your situation. Also if there is anyway we can accommodate you please let me know.''

"Honestly the only problem is being able to pack, get all my things there, finding a place in time because I don't want to live on campus, and booking a reasonable flight." Sighing I try to think of what I can do. Since its so last minute in trying to book a flight it will be more expensive, and I haven't even found a place to live.

"What I can do is, find you a place to live temporary. It will be off campus, and you will most likely share it with two other people until you can find your own apartment." She suggests which totally makes sense. 

Taking the offer, we discuss a few other things before ending the call. When we hang up, I go upstairs to start looking for flights. Finally finding a flight for Friday afternoon, I start getting ready for work.  

As I get ready, I realize that somehow, I'm going to have to break this news to my boss. Even though I haven't been working for a long time, me and her have a connection.

Within the first two weeks of me working at the job, I told her about everything.

The hospital, my mom dying, seeing my ex when I went for a run, life before the hospital, school, my dad. She became the grandma I never had.

Pulling on my shoes, I grab my keys and head out. When I get to the diner I go straight to the back. Knocking on the office door, I wait for the come in.

"Hey gram. Can we talk?" I ask taking a seat.

"Sure thing baby. What's the matter Adrian."

"So I'm going to have to quit. I got into California College of the arts." I whisper awkwardly.

"That's so good. Congratulations hun." She says giving me a hug. "So when do you leave?"

"I'm going to leave Friday afternoon, so that I have the weekend to get settled in."

"Okay well I can give you your paycheck tomorrow, so come in around three and pick it up."

Nodding that it's okay, I get to work.

When I finally get off a few hours later, I'm exhausted but I know I have to start packing. Walking up the steps, I unlock the door.

The sight before me almost brings tears to my eyes. Walking into the living room I see Jenna and Brooke cuddled up in the couch, while George sits on his boyfriend Oliver's lap in the love seat. I'm Honestly going to miss them. Even though I haven't been here that long, we all have developed a bond. 

Going upstairs, I change out of my work clothes and take a quick shower.Throwing on some shorts and a shirt, I turn on my speaker. Playing some music, I get to work on packing.

Starting with the things that I don't really need right, I start packing some of my clothes away. Moving quickly, soon the place a called my room for the 6 months I have been here starts to look as empty as it did when I first came. 

When George knocks on my door a few hours later, I turn the music down and open the door.

"Hey wassup?" I ask leaning against the door frame.

"I was just coming to say good night and that you should get some sleep. Mainly cuz it's late and I know that tomorrow is gonna be a long day."

Looking at my phone, my eyes bulge when it reads 1:05 am.

"Wow, thanks man. I didn't even see the time. I was in a zone. Anyways good night."

Nodding, he makes his way to his room and closes the door.

Doing the same, I turn down my speaker and plug my phone in the charger. Cleaning off my bed, I turn the light off.

Getting in the bed, I think about how crazy my life has been since getting out of the hospital.

I never would of seen myself where I am right now and it's all because of George and Brooke and Jenna.

With that in mind, I drift into a peaceful slumber.

Hey guys, back at it again with the update. Anyways I'm starting to pick up with the updates so keep an eye out. 


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