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Adrian Price

At eleven fifty I grab my book off of the dresser and head towards the rose garden to wait for mama. I don't know how long I've been reading my book, but I know that it has to be past twelve. Noting the page in my book, I check my watch and see that its way past twelve.

Just as I stand up to use the phone at the front desk to call mama and see why she isn't here yet, my nurse, Jenna runs over. Jenna may be short, and a little chubby but she sure as hell can run.

"Adrian." She pants coming to a full stop in front of me. "Something happened with your mom.

"My mother? Why what's wrong?" I ramble growing worried." What happened? Is she okay? Is that why she's not here? Is she in the hospital?"

"Honestly Adrian I have no idea what happened. All I know is that she's in Western State hospital." Grabbing my arm she pulls until we get to the front desk.

When we get there Jenna talks in a quiet manner to Abby, who works at the front desk. When she peers over at me with sorrow in her eyes I know that they are talking about me.

When Abby gives Jenna a curt nod, Jenna spins on her heel to face me as Abby walks to the back.

"Okay so here's the plan. Abby is going to talk to the manager Patrick to see if I can drive you to the hospital. If he says no... we're just going to have to sneak out, but that's just if he says no which I doubt."

When Abby comes back , Patrick is by her side holding up what looks like car keys. "Jenna, I am trusting you to get Mr. Price there and back in one piece, and to not mess up my baby." He glares playfully dropping the keys in her open waiting palm.

Grabbing my arm again, Jenna pushes open the front door and clicks the unlock button on the keys. When we see flashing lights by the far corner of the parking lot we rush over, and Jenna pushes the button again.

When we see a mint color Fiat light up, Jenna cracks a small smile. "Who would have thought that this is Patrick's car." Walking around to the passenger side I get in and buckle up.

While Jenna puts the name of the hospital into the GPS, I look out the window, and up at the sky that's turning gray due to an upcoming rain storm.

All the little thoughts come back at once, and they hit me hard. I can't help but think of the worse. I mean what if she's dead, or in a coma and she can never wake up?

What if she got into a really bad car accident and might be paralysed for the rest of her life? How will she work to bring in money? How will she pay for me to stay at the hell hole.

As Jenna pulls out of the parking lot, a thought comes to mind that disgusts me to the point that I feel sick to my stomach. Say she is paralysed and can't continue to work. If she can't work she can't afford for me to stay here, and they have no choice but to let me go home.

No no, bad Adrian. What the hell is wrong with you you sick bastard? I reprimand myself for being that selfish. For the rest of the car ride Jenna nor myself say a single word.

For the rest of the car ride I don't even make a peep. Even my breathing is quiet, mostly out of fear of the possibilities that lie before me. After about forty-five minutes of driving we pull into the huge parking lot of Western state hospital.

When we walk inside I basically sprint to the reception desk. "Excuse me?" I say a little out of breath. "I was wondering do you have a patient here by the name of Emma Price?"

The nurse behind the desk flips open what looks like a patient chart. Looking up at me she nods. "Yes we do. We were just about to call the number we have here. Who are you?" She questions looking at me with raised eyebrows.

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