White walls

613 14 21

Adrian Price

"Hey baby boy. How was your day?" Mama coos stroking my hair.

"I'm good mama. I just want to go home." I reply with a slight whine in my voice. "I don't like being here."

Tears glistening in her eyes, mama grabs my hand and strokes it gently. "I know baby boy. Trust me when I say I'm working on it. I want you to come home too. I don't like that your in here and it kills me that your not home"

I don't like seeing my mama upset, but at the same time, I kinda hate it here. Iv'e been here for a while and i just want to go home. The only good thing about being here is me meeting George. He's become my best friend. 

We talk about a lot of things, but never about the past. We share a room too, so we see each other everyday except when he goes to group. Other than we are always together. 

During the rest of the visit Mama and I talk about how I'm doing here, and if I have any friends. I tell her about George, and the nurse Jenna who is so nice to me. We talked about anything we could cram into a two hours visit.

At two, they make an announcement, on the loud speaker stating the end of visiting hours.

"Bye mama. I'll see you tomorrow at the same time, right?" I ask just to making sure even though i already know the answer.

Hugging me extra tight mama stuffs her face in my neck. "Of course baby boy. I'll see you tomorrow. I love you!" She waves, going inside to talk to the doctors before she leaves.

When mama leaves I just sit in the rose garden until George comes to get me at two-thirty.

"George, how come your folks never come to visit you?" I ask breaking the silence as we walk around aimlessly.

"I don't know how you know that they don't visit me, but its because they don't approve of me." George sighs sitting on a empty bench.

Plopping down next to him I let it simmer. What's so messed up about George that they don't approve of him? Why would they send him here?

"My parents don't approve of my lifestyle. When I told them about it they were a little confused until I explain it a little more."

George stopped talking to wipe the tears from his eyes with the palm of his hands.

"You don't have to tell me if its making you upset." I suggest noticing he was on the verge of breaking down.

"It's okay." He says with a small smile. "I want to tell you, I trust you enough. I told them that I was in  the BDSM lifestyle and they didn't know what that was."

"When I explained that I was a submissive, they thought that I needed help and took me to see a therapist."

"When " that didn't work" they took me to a church to see a pastor. They thought I was sick. Eventually people in school found out and some people turned on me, and some people didn't care."

"I started getting bullied. I tried to tell my parents but they didn't care. They told me once that I needed it, that it would help me get better. After a while I couldn't handle it anymore."

"Long story short-"

"You tried to kill yourself." I whisper, looking at him.

"Yep. And now I'm here in this place, waiting for my aunt to try and get me out. It's okay though. I'm leaving this Friday."

Smiling like a goof-ball, George gets up and starts skipping, and jumping around in front of me.

"But where are you going to go when you get out." I ask worrying about George. I've only known him for a little while but he's kinda like a brother to me.

"Awwww don't worry about me. I'm going to live with my aunt. She's my mom's twin sister but she has a little secret. She owns a BDSM club, and she's a female Dom. "

Wow, I think to myself.  It's really cool that he has someone like that to support him. I just hope that he stays happy because he really deserves it.

The loud speaker crackles before the head nurse Ava speaks. "Will all patients please make their way inside to wash up before dinner? I repeat, can all patients make their way inside and wash up for dinner please."

As we make our way inside I notice that George is considerably happy, and we've actually been outside for a while just talking.

"George, I hope that you stay happy because honestly you deserve it." I say clasping his shoulder.

"Thanks Adrian. I hope I stay happy too because I think deserve a little happiness don't ya think?"

"We all do." I whisper to myself.

Heeeeeey people. OK so I am revising broken glass again. I just didn't like the way it was before and it was confusing me, so now I'm changing some things up. I hope that this version is better!!


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