W.T. F.S?

101 8 0

Adrian Price

Slapping the alarm clock again, I roll over and start my morning. Walking into the bathroom I share with George, I begin to brush and throw my hair into a bun. When finished, I throw on a pair of sweats a a shirt. Grabbing my I-pod off of the charger, I make my way down the steps and to the front door.

Strapping the arm thingy to my arm, I turn on my running list and stretch. When I get to the third song, I make my way down Napoli and head to the park about three blocks away. When I get to the park, I sit down on a bench and rest for a few minutes.

Looking around the almost empty I notice all the cool wall art, and the homeless people that sleep here. When I notice the time, I realize that I need to go or else I'll be late for work. Jumping up I start to jog back to the house.

As I'm about to cross the street, a car comes flying down a street. Just as it's about to hit me, I'm pulled back into a huge, soft, unfamiliar chest.

Frozen in fear I don't even know how to respond to the situation and to the person who saved me. "Oh my god, are you okay?!" I hear an unfamiliar voice ask pulling me out of my state of shock.

Looking up at the stranger, I can't help but stare. "Dylan?"

I ask, shock and anger lacing my voice. After all these years, I hoped and prayed I wouldn't see him again but here we are.

Inching out of his arms I notice he's also in running gear and he looks different. Maybe it's his hair, or the fact that his glasses are gone. Maybe it's the fact that he has a lot less muscles, and more fat.

"How have you been?" He asks snapping me out of my thoughts. At this my anger flares up. He should be the last one asking me that question. He was one of the reasons why I was in the hospital.

"Why do you care?" I ask through gritted teeth.  "I was so perfectly fine and happy before you outed me to the school. The fact that you dare stand here and ask me how I'm doing is mind boggling to me. It's fucking mind baffling to me." When he goes to reach out for me I pull back and stare at him with so much hatred.

Sighing he runs hands through his hair and groans in frustration. "Look I don't want to fight. I did care about you, truly."

" It's just back than I was more interested in keeping my friends than keeping my boyfriend. You have to understand I was a popular jock, and you were some scrawny wallflower."

Staring into his piercing eyes I can't help but feel hurt at his words. I mean I know we are out of highschool, but seriously?

I mean does he expect me to accept his apology with open arms? Does he expect me to just walk over to him and say we're good?

"You know what? Fuck it! I'm done I can't expect you to understand. You put me through hell Dylan, and sorry won't fix it!" I all about scream at him jabbing him in his chest with every word.

"You betrayed my trust, you know that you did,and for that, I can't forgive you."

Knowing that he isn't going to let me go without wanting to talk, I elbow him in the stomach and sprint the rest of the way home. Bursting into the house, I ignore George, and Brooke's calls.

When I make it to the safety of my room, I sit on the edge of the bed and rest my head in my hands. I can't believe after all these months, he's just there.

He told me so many lies that made me open up to him which is something I never do. Wanting to get my mind off of it, I go to take a shower.

After my long, hot shower I notice that the house is quiet, and that Brooke's car is gone but George's is still here. When I open the door, a notice a pink sticky note on the door.

Hey Adrian. Um Brooke is going to drop me off at work. I left you my car so you can drive it to work. Brooke was able to get you a job at the diner, and ur shift is from 12-9.

-non hugs and kisses, George 😍 

Taking the sticky note off the door I note the time and head to the studio upstairs to work on this dance for class. The thing is, before I was in the hospital I had a sick job teaching dance and I loved it.  

I taught kids from ages 5-40 and I loved the idea that I was younger than most of my students and co-workers. When I get upstairs I grab the Bluetooth speakers out of the corner and connect my phone to it.

Scrolling through my songs I pull up this bomb ass song by Jay Park. When he sings the first line of Aquaman, my body just does and I start to dance to the sexual song.

A few hours later I take a shower and throw on a red shirt, and tan kakis. Throwing on a pair of socks and my black sneakers, I throw my hair into a bun, and spray on some cologne. When I notice the time, I wince and rush out of the house

As I'm rush down the steps, I'm so busy looking for the car keys and making sure that I have my stuff I don't notice the person coming up the steps until we bump heads. Because of my tiny build and the person's huge build, I bounce off of the person's  chest and stumble backwards.

Luckily just before I got the ground the person catches me and I'm able to catch my balance.

"Oh my god are you okay?!" The person's asks. Looking up I gasp at the beautiful person holding me.

"Uh yea I'm okay. Um thank you for helping me not fall." I say a deep blush coating my face.

" Um my name's Everest Long. I know this is really straight forward but here's my number and if you ever need saving or just want to go out give me a call handsome."

Leaving a soft kiss on my cheek he gets in his car and drives off leaving me standing there holding my cheek in awe.

Soooo this took me way longer to write than I anticipated. Tbh I just didn't know how to end it, so sorry for the abrupt weird ending. Either way I think it would help if I updated every other week to give myself more time to think about what I write. Anywho, I hope y'all likes this chapter.

-Alex G.

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