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OKAY so guys im sorry for taking twenty years but i wanted to capture the moment enough to get the story explained in the right way. and if you have any questions, feel free to post to my message board or comments. and i am honestly so excited to tell you guys im gonna write another fanfic, as a separate series and it will be here soon. enjoy! 😈

Chris' POV

Jonny was leaning into me; as if it were for a kiss. But I don't know if this is right. I don't understand what he expects me to do, because I'm not sure if this is what I want.

He kisses me softly. I let myself go, and give in. Even though I'm sure of my sexuality, I don't think there's anything wrong with...experiencing? Is that a proper word? I don't know but this is happening and I can't stop him for some reason I can't really explain. He just wants me to be okay again.

It felt good for the current moment. I couldn't resist it; it's always been a thought of mine and I can finally say I got to snog one of my best friends. It felt—relieving—to feel another's touch. I wasn't in love with him, I was just so appreciative to have someone in my life that just wants me to be happy for once.

After a few moments, he pulls away, "Chris, I'm always going to care about you. I see it in your eyes that you seek somebody. I know you're straight but if you ever need me I'll be a call away. And I don't want you to think this way; ever. You need to see a psychiatrist or something. Please. I can't watch my best friend die in his own grief."

I nod in understanding of him. I don't want to die. It's just a thought, but I wouldn't ever go through with it. I couldn't live with myself knowing I ended my life and hurt my family and friends. There's still hope for me I guess.


The next day I wake up on the couch. Jonny left last night after a couple more hours here with me watching a show, and he just kept me company. I went to the closet and got dressed for the day.

I called my old psychiatrist I had a long time ago and arranged an appointment for tomorrow at 5:30. I couldn't let Jonny and myself down. I decided to set boundaries and understand I have people that actually love me and count on me to be there. I can't mope around anymore.

Will's POV

It was around three o'clock in the afternoon. Phil arranged a meeting at a tea shoppe a while back and it was today. He invited Guy, Chris and I. It included everyone except Jonny, because Jonny had other plans at this time I guess. He said he wants to spend time with his cousin he hadn't seen in a while. I just wish I knew what this meeting was about.

I get there second, and I arrived to the table Chris was already sitting at. He smiles and greets me when I sit down, and he looks so happy today. I wonder what happened to make him in such a great mood.

"Hey Will, I ordered us drinks already. And oh yeah, I forgot to tell you guys. Me and Jonny figured out some more lyrics for that song. It's looking good." He says, like he was so infatuated with being here and being alive today.

"That's pretty cool! You seem so much better than these past few days, yeah?"

"Oh, it's just that I had to see myself through like, a friends perspective, and I wouldn't want to a see someone so sad. And it was all lies. I know I matter to people but I don't feel like it sometimes. I just needed a reality check and I also made an appointment with a doctor. It'll all be okay, and it'll be worth it." Chris explains as Guy shows up and joins us at the round table.

Maybe everything will be better.

...or will it?

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