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I wanted to take the time out to shout out my favorite author on this site, xylotosis . oh and i really wanted to stop writing authors notes, but that's just cheating. lol. I can't stop listening to ahfod. i mean, it's poppish—but it's still a beautiful work of art. everything about it is so good,, even though my favorite albums musically are the first four. they're brilliant.
oh, and enjoy.

Four Weeks Later

Jonny's POV

Chris and I were seeing each other secretly for these past few weeks, as we weren't ready for everyone to know. It was just between him and I, and I hoped that it stayed that way for a while. During these weeks that passed though, we had taken a break from songwriting which we so desperately deserved. You know how Chris is, even though it was a break. He'd jot down everything that came to mind in his notebook.

I was so infatuated with that; music is his passion. It's so beautiful seeing him develop such amazing skills over these years. He's gotten such nice lyrics at midnight, he's said. It's really confusing to me, as he can get inspired by anything he does. He could be walking on the sidewalk, and notice how much the world is changing—and could write a song about the cracks in the sidewalk. It's funny how he gets things done, really.

Anyways, I had taken Danielle's phone from Chris, and I purposely threw it in the trash where it belonged. I wasn't letting him worry over her stupid fucking words that have no sense of truth behind them. It was my birthday in two days, and Chris was staying the night at my house. Right now, I was playing "Careful Where You Stand" on my acoustic guitar. I was just so in love with how Chris' voice sounded in the song which was on the "Yellow" single. I was humming along, to the playing I was doing, but it probably sounded nothing near as good he would sound.

Chris was still in bed I thought, until he walked in behind me. He placed his hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump and him to laugh at me.

He smirked at me, singing the vocals of the song.

Careful where you stand, my love
Careful where you lay your head
It's true
We're always looking out for one another

I played along with his vocals, but he stopped after the chorus because he laughed at the old song's lyrics. "It reminds me of you, Jay."

"Oh stop—You sing it so beautifully," I complimented him as he bent down and kissed my cheek.

"That song is embarrassing though," he laughed out.

I shook my head, "It's not at all. You make it seem so peaceful."

"Jon—you're making me blush, babe. It's not true to me, though."

"Oh shut up. It's not bad at all."

I sat my guitar down and pulled Chris down by the collar of his shirt, making him face me. I pushed my lips to his, and he pulled my up to stand. He pushed me against the nearby wall.

He kissed down my chin, reaching my neck. I felt him suck on my soft spot, sure to leave a hickey-type mark on the sensitive skin. It started to hurt, but I left him to do as he pleased. I let a small sigh when he abandoned the mark he created and connected our lips again. I wrapped my arms around him, taking the warmth of his body in my grasp.

I was taken aback when Chris rubbed his crotch against mine in a flirtatious gesture. He pulled away, and I spoke up. "Fuck," I mumbled as he palmed me through my jeans. While doing this, Chris decided to make another mark on the other side of my neck. As he backed off of me again this time, he said something, "Jonny—you're so fucking beautiful." His words caused me to blush, and he kissed the edge of my jawline.

"Jay, I need you so bad." he whines, and I loved the sound of where he was taking this. I always dreamt of his skin on mine, touching me in a way that no one else could. He pulled my shirt almost over my head when my phone had begun to sound. He sighed in annoyance, but motioned for me to answer it. I pulled my shirt back down like it should be, and answered it.

It was Will, "Um, where the hell are you and Chris? We're all here, but you guys. Get here at the Bakery now!" He exclaimed, sounding annoyed.

"..Oh! We'd forgot all about it! We'll be there in a bit," I say back, pressing end.

"Who was it, babe?" Chris asked, curious.

"It was Will! We have a scheduled session today at the Bakery. We'd forgotten. We need to get there now." I explained it out to him, and he rolls his eyes.

"Well, come on. I'll see if we could do a little something in the Bakery together." he smirked, grabbing my hand and leading us out of my house. He had a spare key, so he locked the door.

The car ride there was filled with all sorts of sexual frustration in the air. When we got caught in traffic, he groaned, pissed off that we couldn't get it over and done with already.


After we talked about deciding who was to create the album cover, here came all the sound engineers. Danielle walked in last, and dared not to make eyes at Chris. But she made them at me. I gave her a disgusted look, warning her to stay the hell away from me.

The sound engineers was showing us how they think the sound of the record should sound. The girl kept her mouth shut, and just nodded along.

I wanted to sound like an utter asshole, to piss her off. "Okay..but why do we have three sound engineers? We only need the two we already ha—" Chris cut me off, "Stop Jon,"

"She's a fucking whore, Chris!" I shout, having the whole room shut their mouths and focus on me. "I don't know if I have any fucking say-so in this, but I'm in this band. I should be able to. She's fired. She's a no good thief, liar, user, and just an all around bitch. Chris is already having a hard enough time, and that stupid girl decided to come in and take over. Well guess what? He doesn't want anything to do with you, you two-faced bitch!"

She stared at me in shock, like she had no idea what I was speaking of. "Danielle, if you have any fucking sense, you'll get the hell out of here and you definitely will never step foot back in our Bakery ever again."

"Jonny, you should shut your fucking mouth. Oh, and next time, put some damn makeup over that hickey I'm sure Chris have to you. All you guys are is a couple gays anyways." she spoke out, causing my whole body to get red in complete frustration.

I jumped up, making my way to punch her in her mouth like she deserved. Girl or not, she's such a homophobic asshole. Guy held me back, to stop me from hurting her. I screamed at him to let me go but he just kept telling me to calm down. Everything was hectic—so hectic that I almost fell into a panic attack from the amount of embarrassment and anger I was facing.

I knew I scared her off when I saw her get up and run out of the door. I stopped fighting after her when I saw her take off. That bitch now knows not to fuck with me.

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