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Okay so I think I prefer this book over my other one. but i'll keep writing it, because i think maybe a couple people like it. anyways, I've been listening to the x&y album all day i love it so much,. my mom got me all the coldplay albums I didn't already have and I'm so in love with the design, songs, lyrics and just everything about x&y. it's my fave. lol. and what's your favorite songs on ahfod? mine are hymn for the weekend, up and up, and colour spectrum. gahh as i was typing this, on came violet hill 🙈 take me back😍. anyways, enjoy!


Chris' POV

We were laying in the grass, looking up at the dark night sky. "The stars seem so clear even though they're millions of light years away," I whispered to Danielle. She scooted closer to me, and snuggled up to my chest. I put my arm around her and she looked like all I ever needed.

"What's your favorite song by us?"

"Green Eyes. Sing it to me," she requested. I smiled with flattering emotions as she told me her number one song by us. "I think green eyes are so beautiful on girls. Especially you," I kissed her cheek, and she blushed under the dim street light nearby.

I watched her as she closed her eyes to listen to the faint sound of my heart beating in my chest.

I began singing,

"Honey you are a rock
Upon which I stand
And I come here to talk
I hope you understand

That green eyes
Yeah the spotlight
Shines upon you

And how could
Deny you?

I came here with a load
And it feels so much lighter,
Now I meet you

And honey you should know
That I could never go on
Without you

Green eyes,"

I sang softly in her ear, and she blushed as kept it going. "I feel as if your voice is just capable of making the world a better place," she says, jokingly.

"It means so much to me for you to keep complimenting me. But we all have our own opinions. Yours counts a lot to me."

"It's so pretty. I have honestly never heard someone sing so beautifully as you. And the lyrics are just too much, I think I might die if you keep going." she smiled, and laid her head on my shoulder.

Completely changing my demeanor, I put my hand in her pocket, and snatched her phone. With it in my hand, I darted through the park. "Catch me," I laughed out like a child.

I heard her footsteps as she chased me from behind. I climbed the ladder to he slide and, to her response of trying to catch me that way, I smoothly slid down the slide. I jumped off and took off to the swings.

"Chris! Give it back!" she laughed out of breath. She would absolutely not give in. She was determined to catch me, and there the line was drawn.

I ran into her on purpose, and I grabbed her hands passionately. I handed over the phone through this gesture, and pressed my lips against hers. I felt her arms around my neck, and I put mine around her waist. Our lips keeping sync, I felt her tug at my hair. I pushed into her more, kissing her hard. I fell in love with someone who I don't even have to know that much, to know she's a wonderful girl and I would do anything for her.

She pulled away and our foreheads stayed close together, "Take me home with you,"

My heart was beating a million miles a minute, but I grabbed her hand. I ran to the car, not letting go. I pulled her along.

We got in the car and, to make the night even more lovely, she put in my Radiohead CD and I felt her put her head on my shoulder once again. "Skip to four," I request for her to do so.

She did as I asked, and turned it up. She hummed along, and I smiled in response. She grabbed my left hand, as I steered the wheel with my right hand. I could get use to being with someone so caring, and someone who has the same music tastes.

Danielle's POV

As Chris kept driving me to his home, I felt even more of a rebel. I'm using him for a great extent of cash, sex, and to make myself known to the world. He's filthy rich, and he'll treat me like a queen. I liked him at first, but in reality all he is is a complete waste of my time. And, all around he was just so weird. I could never date someone so genuinely as ugly as him. As long as I seem interested, he'll give in to me. I can't wait.

...and at a plot twist.

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