Chapter 6: Casual Hitman.

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Cole stood at the bottom of the royal mile looking up at the narrow deserted streets. He knew he had a job to do but hated walking up the mile. In his view it was too steep.  Cole is a lazy person and only really does anything if it is a hundred percent worth it.

Thus Cole decided to become a hitman everything he did was worth it as he got paid to do so, and paid a lot. His latest contract come from an anonymous phone call asking to take out a hit on a man holed up in the castle. The contact only gave him a brief description of the hit. A tall scruffy long haired man with a thick Russian accent. This is all that Cole had to go on. Not a lot of information but it wasn’t his worst hit description he had gotten. Once he got a tallish guy average looking with blue eyes. It took Cole two weeks to find the right hit after ten poor mistakes.

As he was walking up the mile he started to check his gear out to make sure it was up for the job. His hand gun to his right was loaded and ready. A pouch on his left leg was full of smoke bombs and throwing knifes. The large coat he wore hid the caches of ammo attached to his torso. Everything was in perfect order. Apart from his long hair. It was messy and bushy and always in his view a nuisance. He wished he got a hair cut he felt untidy with his copper coloured hair messy. Almost unprofessional who employs a messy looking hitman? No one that’s who.  

As he was reaching the castle he took of his glasses to give them a quick clean. Around the corner from where Cole was he heard a voice. He pounced into the shadows so that they would not see him. As they passed by he saw a young teenager no more than sixteen with spiky hair and a strange masked man walking beside him. Cole took no notice of the boy but the masked man looked familiar to him somehow. Where had he seen him? They where headed for the castle same as Cole. This could be a problem for him. He decided to follow them both but stay out of sight. As he trailed them from behind he noticed a logo on the back of the masked mans coat. He was an Anti Exiled One officer. Cole moaned a little as if he was dealing with the Anti Exiled Ones he would have charged double the rate he had given.

He followed them both for twenty minutes just before they entered the Castle Gates. This was it time to work. He pulled out his gun and took one of the throwing knifes out the pouch. He threw the dagger at the masked one. To Coles surprise the Knife when through a small vortex. Know known the masked agent turned to Cole and the Child near him pulled out a sword. This wasn’t going the way Cole wanted it to go. Time for plan B. Both fighters charged at Cole as they got closer. Cole snapped his fingers. 


This is the final version of The Exiled Ones, Purge War, Please Read, Vote and Comment. (please note the next chapters may be changed but will still follow the same story plot.)

Exiled Chronicles - Purge War.((Book 1 Done)) (Book 2 Progress on Hold))Where stories live. Discover now