Chapter 5 Duskfoot

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A quarter moon had passed since Jade had joined Shadowclan. The small ginger she-cat seemed fragile and gentle. Duskfoot sat with Peach, Blacktail, Russetfur and Jade.

"You know for littermates you two are very different," Russetfur meowed looking at Jade and Blacktail.

"Scar took Jade and I away when we were kits," Peach explained. "He gave us to Twolegs because we weren't strong enough. I ran away after eight moons and tried my luck as a loner. Eventually I got caught. Then one day I saw Blacktail,"

Duskfoot nodded.

"Let's go back to our dens," Russetfur meowed. "It's nearly pitch black,"

Duskfoot headed into the warriors den and waited for his clanmates to fall asleep. When he was sure they were he crept out. It was pitch black and almost impossible to see his black fur. But still Duskfoot head through the dirtplace tunnel wrinkling his nose at the stench.

Duskfoot headed towards the Gathering. But for some strange reason he had an uneasy feeling that he was being watched. No matter how much he kept to the shadows he couldn't shake the feeling off.

As he crossed the tree bridge and spotted Grasspelt he relaxed. Duskfoot pressed his muzzle to hers and purred.

"Are you alright?" Grasspelt asked. "You look tense,"

Duskfoot realised the feeling of being watched was gone.

"It was nothing," Duskfoot answered deciding not to worry her. "It's just been hard to get away,"

Grasspelt nodded. "In Riverclan Milkpaw and Otterpaw are apprentices now. Otterpaw is Minnowtail's apprentice,"

Duskfoot nodded. "Race you up the leaders tree!"

Grasspelt rolled her eyes. The raced up the tree. Duskfoot darted up the tree surprised at how well Grasspelt kept up even though she didn't look comfortable in the trees. Soon they were at the top watching the stars.

"I'm glad we come here," Grasspelt purred. "It's worth every moment,"

Warriors Dusk and Dawn #3 The End of a HeroWhere stories live. Discover now