Chapter 6 Dawnleaf

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Dawnleaf sat in the medicine den with Snowflower. She still wondered what Starclan's message meant.
I must follow my heart and not my head.

Frowning Dawnleaf grabbed a stray catmint leaf and put it back with its pile. Snowflower was doing the same. Dawnleaf watched the medicine cat sorting the herbs with an expression of contentment and concentration.
This is the path she picked. This is the path I was forced on.

"Thanks for helping Dawnleaf," Snowflower meowed. "You should go for a walk,"

Dawnleaf nodded and headed out into the forest. She smelt the scent of prey. Dawnleaf hesitated, looking around to make sure no one was watching as she crouched. Her leg felt stiff as she tried to stalk a pigeon.

Dawnleaf shot forward but her twisted leg hurt too much and she cried out tumbling over roots. Miserable Dawnleaf stood.

"My friend Fawn had an injury like that,"

Dawnleaf jumped and turned around to see Jade.

"Have you been watching me?!" Dawnleaf hissed.

Jade shuffled her paws. "Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt you,"

Dawnleaf let her fur lay flat.

"Fawn tried to catch a bird," Jade explained. "And inside did what you did to your leg,"

"What happened to Fawn?" Dawnleaf asked.

"He went to the vet," Jade answered.

Dawnleaf blinked. "Vet?"

"Cutter," Jade meowed.

Dawnleaf nodded.

"The cutter fixed him," Jade finished.

Dawnleaf stared with shock. "They fixed his leg?"

Jade nodded. "They could fix you but you'd be in the Twolegplace for a few moons,"

"I don't care!" Dawnleaf cried. "We have to tell everyone!"

"No," Russetfur meowed. "Dawnleaf it's too dangerous. You could be stuck there!"

"But I'll be healed!" Dawnleaf argued. "Isn't that what you want?"

One by one her clanmates shook their heads. All except Bravestar who sighed.

"No one has that kind of healing skills," Sunstrike called.

Dawnleaf sat miserably. Suddenly she thought she could sense Rockstar beside her.

"Heart over head," Rockstar whispered. "Do what you want,"

With that he was gone.
I want to be healed!

"Jade," Dawnleaf whispered. "You have to take me tonight,"

Jade seemed to understand. "Okay,"

Warriors Dusk and Dawn #3 The End of a HeroWhere stories live. Discover now