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Allegiances For Warriors Dusk and Dawn Allegiances


LEADER: Bravestar-small scarred wiry brown and black tortoiseshell she-cat with one yellow eye (Daughter of Stormfire and Mousewing)

DEPUTY: Newtspeck- light brown tabby Tom

MEDICINE CAT: Snowflower- slender white she-cat with blue eyes (Daughter of Stormfire and Mousewing)
Apprentice: Dawnleaf- tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes and a slightly twisted hind leg (daughter of Russetfur and Blacktail)


Rainleaf- silver tabby she-cat with green eyes (daughter of Stormfire and Mousewing)

Frostheart- pretty white she-cat with Amber eyes (Daughter of Firetail and Archpelt)

Silvermist- silver and black tabby she-cat with blue eyes (Daughter of Stormfire and Mousewing)

Nightclaw- black tom with yellow eyes (son of Stormfire and Mousewing)

Leaftail- dark ginger tom with green eyes (son of Ambergaze and Pinefall)

Spiderfoot- black tom with blue eyes (son of Ambergaze and Pinefall)

Mintfur- dappled grey tom (son of Fernsky)

Shrewclaw- small pale brown tabby tom with green eyes (son of Fernsky)

Sparrowwing- dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes (son of Bravestar and Newtspeck)

Brindlecloud- very pale pink she-cat with red eyes (daughter of Bravestar and Newtspeck)

Wrenflight- grey she-cat with dark grey spots and blue eyes (daughter of Bravestar and Newtspeck)

Hollytuft- beautiful she-cat with many shades of black fur and blue eyes (daughter of Bravestar and Newtspeck)

Mistheart- grey and silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes

Peach- dark brown and white she-cat with amber eyes (daughter of Misty and Scar)

Blacktail- stocky black Tom with amber eyes (son of Misty and Scar)

Russetfur- russet furred she-cat with Amber eyes (daughter of Crowfrost and Pounceleap)

Smokestripe- pretty tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes (daughter of Crowfrost and Pounceleap)
Apprentice: Berrypaw

Sootfeather- pale grey tabby tom with blue eyes (son of Crowfrost and Pounceleap)

Honeyblossom- ginger she-cat with a bright pink nose and grey eyes (daughter of Mistheart and Nightclaw)

Sunstrike- ginger tom with blue eyes (son of Mistheart and Nightclaw)

Appledawn- light ginger she-cat with golden eyes (daughter of Frostheart)
Apprentice: Fallenpaw

Whiskertail- small white tom with green eyes (son of Frostheart)

Spottedflower- brown she-cat with white tabby stripes and blue eyes (daughter of Frostheart)

Duskfoot- black tom with green eyes (son of Russetfur and Blacktail)
Apprentice: Cherrypaw


Berrypaw- black tom with a white patch around one eye (son of Peach)

Fallenpaw- brown and white she-cat (daughter of Peach)

Cherrypaw- ginger tortoiseshell she-cat (daughter of Peach)


Firetail- ginger and white she-cat (daughter of Ashtail and Oakclaw)

Warriors Dusk and Dawn #3 The End of a HeroWhere stories live. Discover now