Chapter 7 Dawnleaf

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Dawnleaf slept beside Snowflower listening to her. When she was sure the medicine cat was asleep she left the den. Dawnleaf headed into the dirtplace tunnel and moments later Jade followed.

They squeezed through the bushes and headed out. Jade led the way to the Twolegplace leaping onto the fence. Dawnleaf looked up at her.

"Sorry," Jade meowed coming back down.

Suddenly Russetfur appeared. Dawnleaf froze.

"Did you really think I would let you go?" Russetfur asked.

Dawnleaf's heart sank.

"Without me?" Russetfur continued.

Dawnleaf sighed with relief.

"I knew you'd do it anyway," Russetfur purred. "Come on you two!"

Jade led the way past the first Twoleg fence. They went slowly through the maze of Thunderpaths and dens until they came to a Twoleg den with a whole in its barrier.

"This is a fence," Jade explained. "Let's go!"

They squeezed though the hole.

"Dawnleaf you have to sit out the front of here and wail as loud as you can," Jade whispered. "The Twolegs will touch you and it will freak you out but they are only trying to help,"

Dawnleaf nodded. Nervously she limped to the middle of the Twoleg garden and wailed as loud as she could. Suddenly she heard shouts and things banging as two adult Twolegs and a Twoleg kit came out of their den.

The kit saw Dawnleaf and ran over. It said so,etching to its parents who came over too. Dawnleaf bristled as the Twoleg kit began to stroke her. The kits parents yelled something and the Twoleg kit moved away.

One of the Twolegs picked Dawnleaf up and took her into its den. Jade appeared suddenly. The Twoleg kit cried out in delight stroking her.
This must be where she lived when she was a kittypet.

Jade signalled for Russetfur to come. Russetfur appeared and one of the adult Twolegs brought her in too. It put Russetfur down once they got inside and the Twoleg kit put Jade down. But Dawnleaf was still being held.

"They are taking you to the Cutter!" Jade yelled to her ask you was taken back outside.

Dawnleaf's heart lurched as she was taken into a Twoleg monster. The Twoleg put her down and sat down. Suddenly the monster began to move. Dawnleaf was frozen with fear as it began to move roaring and whirring. But somehow Dawnleaf fell asleep.

When Dawnleaf woke she was in a room, it was all white with a piece of wood in the middle that had four other pieces of wood connecting it to the ground. Twolegs stood around her muttering to each other.

Eventually one pulled out something that had a very sharp end. Dawnleaf froze as it pricked her. She felt suddenly drowsy and once again fell into unconsciousness.

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