Chapter 2

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"Oh god I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." The man said sweetly bending down to pick up the things he had left on the ground. Bending down with him I began to pick up some of things I had dropped and tossed them back into the basket.

Not once did I look at him, his body seem big and intimidating. I didn't want to get involved with the wrong person. So I stared at the ground as we picked up my food. As I stood up I quickly turned to face the front again.

"Hey, I really am sorry." He said gentley touching my shoulder again making me jump once more.

"S-sorry for jumping so much." I said turning around. I decided to finally face him, I couldn't just hide myself from him forever. As I turned I came face to face with his chest. I was only 5'8 and he had to be at least 6 foot if not taller.

"You're really on edge aren't you?" He asked causing me to snap my head up to meet his eyes. His face surprised me, he looked gentle and sweet yet he had a rebellious side behind his exterior. Looking into his sea blue eyes I whispered " Yea I have been for a while."

His words had just set me on edge even more. I already had trouble sleeping at night, I had changed my locks twice because I was scared, and I refused to eat anything cooked by anyone else because I was worried it was drugged. Was it that obvious that I was scared and worried?

"I didn't mean it in a bad way." He said rubbing my arm. Had he not realized that touches to my body made me jump or scared me. I tensed up quickly causing him to drop his hand.

"S-sorry, I don't mean to be this way." I stuttered moving up in the line.

"Hey, it's fine. I'm Zak by the way." Zak said sticking his hand out for me to shake.

"I'm uh Sca-" As I began to say my name everything turned black around me, followed by a scream.

My eyes flew open as the smell of food entered my nose. I sat up quickly looking at my surrondings.

This wasn't my home.

I threw the sheets that rested on my body off myself as I ran to find the exit of the house.

Oh god, what if he had found me and took me to his house to kill me.

I began to panic as I searched quicker for the exit.

I reached the front door and began to shake the door knob violently trying to escape. The door was locked. It only made me freak out more as I began to scream.

"What's going on!" Zak yelled running out of the kitchen.

I let out a small sigh of relief knowing it wasn't him who had taken me but at the same time I was still freaking out.

"Why am I in your house? What are you going to do with me? Please don't kill me!" I begged backing against the door.

"Shh I won't do anything to you, I promise. You fainted at the store." Zak said putting his hands up in defeat.

I fainted at the store? Oh god not again. It must have been from my lack of food, I don't mean to not eat, I'm just never hungry.

"S-sorry, I'm just scared."

"What are you scared of?" Zak asked taking a step closer to me.

"H-him, h-he might kill me." I stuttered out. Oh god I shouldn't have said anything. What if he somehow heard? What if he will come and kill us both. What if I had just endangered both of our lives.

"Who's he?" Zak asked in a serious tone.

"I shouldn't have said anything. I don't want you in this." I said.

"Tell me and maybe I can help." Zak said smiling.

"You can't, no one can. I'm don't want anything to happen." I said feeling my eyes water up.

What Zak did next surprised me. He wrapped his arms around my body. I tensed up before returning the hug. I suddenly felt warm and not as empty for a change. It was the first hug I had in months. I buried my head into his chest letting him hold me because the warmth felt so good.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Zak asked retracting from the hug a minute later. I quickly nodded my head yes and followed him into the kitchen.

"Here sit down." Zak said pulling out a wooden bar chair from under his black granite bar.

"Thank you." I said sitting down.

"So I never caught your name." Zak said pulling white plates from the cabinet.

"Oh it's um Scarlett."

"That's a pretty name, I've never met someone with it before." Zak said flashing me his smile making me blush a little.

"Thanks, my Mom fell in love when she read some love story." I said thinking back to what my Mom had told me when I was eight.

"Now here we go." Zak said placing a plate of chicken and white rice infront of me. it looked so good but I couldn't get risked, not after what happened last time.

"Here you go baby." he said placing my plate of soup infront of me.

"Eat up so you'll feel better." he whispered kissing my cheek.

"Thanks babe." I said smiling eating the soup. As I ate it began to taste a little funny. I didn't want to say anything because it was the effort he had put in so I kept eating without saying a word.

Once I has finished I stood up with the bowl and made my way to the kitchen. Suddenly I felr dizzy and everything got blurry as I held onto the counter for support. I dropped the bowl as I tried to pull myself up. I was about to yell his name when I turned to see him in the door smiling at me.

"Come on why don't we go lay down?" He asked without giving me a choice and dragged me into the bedroom.

Minutes later I was thrown onto the bed and had no say in what was happening.

I felt numb the whole time he did this too me. I wish it would end, it was pure hell but it just wouldn't stop.

"Scarlett? Are you alright?" Zak asked waving his hand in front of my face.

"Oh yea um I can't eat this." I said pushing the plate away from myself.

"Why not? What's the matter? " Zak asked looking at the food he had made.

"Uh I just can't trust anyone." I whispered.

"Do you mind?" Zak asked picking up my fork.

I shoke my head no as Zak stuck the fork into the rice and ate a huge bit of it.

"See there's nothing wrong with it. " Zak said with his mouthful making me smile a little. It was the first time I had smiled in a long time .

"What about the chicken? " I asked still smiling a little.

Taking a bite of the chicken, Zak sat and chewed it showing me it was safe to eat.

"Thank you." I said smiling and taking the fresh fork Zak had just given me and dug into the food. Oh my god it was good. I hadn't had a proper home cooked meal in ages. I ate it all quickly enjoying every last bit. I barely ate anyways and this was the first time I actually enjoyed myself eating a meal.

"Thank you Zak, it tasted wonderful." I said giving him a half smile.

"Here do you want some water?" Zak asked getting a glass.

"Yes please." I said as Zak filled the glass.

"Oh wait." Zak said before he handed it to me. He took a sip of the water and then placed the glass down.

"Would you like to be my personal taste tester?" I asked teasing him as I took a sip of the water.

"Anything for you." Zak said winking at me.

Love Strung Depression (Zak Bagans Romance)Where stories live. Discover now