Chapter 12

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"Scarlett, don't!" Zak shouted from behind me. 

"I have too."

"No you don't." Zak said holding his hand out for me to take. 

"You don't understand! Yes I do!" I shouted stepping closer to the edge. 

"You are the first girl I have ever fallen in love with and I want to be the only one to ever love you."

"Everybody will die Zak so just let me go."

"Not this soon, We just truely fell in love and I'm not ready to let that go, think about it Scar we can grow old together."

"All we ever do is fight to die, we don't fight to live. We may be alive but all we ever do is work to our death. Why should I keep doing this?"

"So you can be loved before you die."

"You do love me and if I die right now I will be loved." 

"I want you to stay alive with me, dammit Scar I thought I changed your mind!" 

"You knew about this?" I whispered.

"I found your journal months ago and thought that I could change your mind." Zak whispered.

"You weren't supposed to know. I wanted to escape without having this struggle. That's why last night I told you over and over again that I loved you!" I yelled tears forming in my eyes. 

"You don't need this struggle Scar, please just step down so we can be together for the rest of our lives. I won't let him ever hurt you again. I do love you and if you love me you will not leave me!" Zak shouted tears falling down his cheeks.

"I need to let go, let go of him, let go of the horrible memories. This is my escape, this will rid me of everything that ever went wrong." I whispered.

"This isn't what I intended, you think that I'm stronger but I'm not. Right now I am falling apart infront of you because the thought of losing you tears my heart to pieces."

"Zak I never believed in falling in love again but you, you changed that and it scares the shit out of me."

"Scarlett I can replace the bad memories with good ones like I already have started too." 

"It'll never be enough." I whispered.

"Then we'll do this together." Zak said stepping to the edge.

"Zak you can't do this."

"I'm in love with you and I won't lose you. So you'll have to take me with you." 

"Zak if I go back with you will you keep your life?"

"Yes." Zak whispered taking my hand in his and pulled me back from the edge.

The second we were far enough from the edge he pulled me into a hug whispering 'I love you'  over and over again. 

This wasn't supposed to end this way, I was supposed to be free. Zak was only making this harder on the both of us. Zak was the only thing between me and freedom. 

Pulling back from the hug I whispered "Zak, I need to let go, leave you behind. Start over in the next world, maybe we'll see each other again. I love you." Then I ran to the edge.

Before Zak could respond I closed my eyes and I took a step forward leading me down an empty path, as I fell I looked up to see Zak screaming my name after me. I shut my eyes and smiled as I hit the water. My breathe hitched as I sunk under. The cold sting of the ice cold water froze me and convinced me that it was the end. 

It's a short chapter but there wasn't much to write, it was the way it envisioned the end. My epilogue may surprise you guys and it will be up soon, I might be evil and make you wait for it ;) 

Nah just kidding, I'm wayyyy to excited to put it up that I can't even make you wait. The epilogue is really short but it will possibly touch you guys a bit.. I hope! Anyways thanks for reading another story of mine. Maybe one day I'll be able to write a happy story for you guys.


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