Chapter 3

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"C'mon babe it'll be one time, I promise."

"N-no, I don't want to." I stuttered out trying to sound strong but I could tell it wasn't working.

"Like I said once, it's not like we haven't done it before." He pressured.

"LIke I said once before no." I spoke out trying to sound strong.

"Baby," He began to say when he stepped close and pressed his lips to mine. He knew my weakness, he knew I loved it when he was sweet and gentle with me.

"I-I, no, stop." I stuttered out becoming weak against his touch.

"You know you want too." He said kissing down my neck making me let out a soft moan. I needed to get a grip before I was forced to do something again that I didn't want to do.

"No! Stop!" I yelled pushing him away and turning for the door.

"Now you've done it." He growled stepping infront of me and pushing me back.

"I don't want too! Stop it!" I screamed as I thrashed around while he began to take my shirt off.

"Shut up." He said slapping me across the face. My head rolled to the side as I looked up to see the monster I had once loved holding his hand up for another slap. I prepared myself for impact but instead I found myself being carried into the bedroom and then thrown onto the bed.

"Please, stop." I begged one last time before he ripped all of my clothes off and began to rape me. I began to scream as loud as I could hoping the neighbors could hear but instead he pushed his hand over my mouth as I cried in pain.

"GET AWAY!" I screamed sitting up in my bed. I jumped to my feet quickly as I searched the room for the monster.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I yelled turning on all of the lights.

Running into the kitchen I grabbed a knife and stood in the corner waiting for the monster to jump out at me. I began to panic and picked the phone dialing 911.

"911 what is your emergency?"

"He's here, send help please." I whispered waiting for him to come out of no where. Wait, what have I done? I wasn't supposed to tell anyone anything about him. The only person who had ever heard a word about 'him' was Zak.

"Who's there? 'Mam state your location." Quickly I pressed the end call button. I began to cry as I waited to die. He probably came because he heard me mention something to Zak. I couldn't just sit here and wait to die. I wanted to kill myself not be killed by him! Picking up the phone again I dialed Zak's number, even though I didn't want him to be involved in this he already knew a little and that bit was enough for him to kill Zak. He was already in this as much as I was.

"Hello?" Zak answered groggily from the other end.

"Zak I think he's in my house, help." I whispered scanning the whole kitchen again.

"Scarlett, I'll be right there." Zak said and then hung up. Thankfully Zak had brought me home yesterday and knew where I lived or else I would be srewed.

I stood there waiting for mintues but they felt like hours. A knock came from the door which caused me to scream and drop my knife.

"Scarlett it's just me." Zak reassured from the other side of the door. Picking up my knife I backed out of the kitched to the door. I walked backwards watching everything in my living room. When I reached the door I unlocked it quickly letting Zak in.

"Scarlett are you hurt?" Zak as concerned as he looked at me.

I shook my head no as Zak took my knife from me and placed it on the small table by the door.

"Where do you think he is?"

"I-I don't know." I mumbled shaking in fright.

"Scarlett stay by the door, while I check your apartment okay?"

I nodded my head yes as Zak began to walk through the kitchen and living room. Then he dissappeared down the hall. I listened as he opened every door and checked every window. I stood there frozen worried Zak would come back pulling him or the other way around.

Moments later Zak came back with nothing in his hands.

"Scarlett, no one was here. Nothing is wrong with any of your windows and there's no sign of any entry. I checked every closet and every room. No one is here." Zak said.

"T-that can't be possible, h-he was just here." I stuttered out.

"Tell me everything that happened that makes you think that he was here."

"Well I was asleep when I woke up screaming 'GET AWAY', someone had to of been here and touched me." I explained. I sounded like an idiot, it wasn't worth explaining.

"It sounds like you just woke up from a bad dream." Zak explained. I let out a sigh of relief, if it was only a dream, that means that he had never been here. It was only a memory my mind refused to let me forget and made me think was still happening.

"It must of been another memory." I said sitting down on the ground. God this was messing with my head so bad. I would never be normal again. The only day I would be normal, would be the day I die. But normal people don't just kill themselves. That's it, I'm just a messed up human being who will never ever be normal ever again. I hope he's happy with what he has done to me, because he has completely messed up my whole life.

Sitting down next to me Zak asked "Do you want to talk about it?"

Do I want to talk about? If I talked about it I would sound mental. I was scared to let anyone into my head and see the things I had to see and experience. I couldn't just let my gaurd down this easily, but something about Zak told me I could trust him. It was a risk, but I was willing to take it. I had never told anyone anything that he had done to me. His threat of killing me still scared me, but a little information about him had already slipped my mind to Zak and nothing had happened yet, so I guess I might as well tell him some more.

Turning to face Zak I began to talk

"The memories, all the time they come and go but they're never actually truely gone. When I sleep at night they slip into my dreams scaring me awake, making me think he was here. It's usually always the same one, where he rapes me for the first time-"

Gasping Zak widened his eyes causing me to pause, before he motioned from me to continue.

"It always starts the same, where he's gentle and tries to get me in the bed with him, I refuse because I just want it to happen not be forced, then I get slapped. It always ends the same, screaming for help, getting my mouth covered, and crying silently in pain. No matter how many times I have that memory in my dreams, the ending can never change. No happy ending will ever happen because the damage has been done."

Pulling my knees to my chest I burried my head inbetween them ,emabarressed that I had just told Zak that specific memory.

"Hey it's not your fault." Those were the last words I had expected to hear come out of Zak's mouth. I still refused to look up, I still felt violated and embarressed. Not by Zak but by him.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, you didn't do anything wrong. You fought for your right but he was cruel enough to take it away from you. No woman should be treated that way." Zak said rubbing my back. I was surprised, for the first time I didn't tense up under someone's touch like I usually did.

"Y-you mean that?" I stuttered out feeling as if I was about to cry.

"Every last word."

We sat in silence for a few minutes before I spoke up again

"Zak even though we just met, would you mind staying the rest of the night?" I was scared to hear the answer.

"Of course."

Love Strung Depression (Zak Bagans Romance)Where stories live. Discover now