First day

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Junmyeon is 19 year old starting his second year of the prestigious Yonsei University. Usually only geniuses or people with a lot of money can attend this school but if you fail your first year then the school board will kick you out. Junmyeon was rich just like 60% of the student population, but he wasn't just another rich kid ,his father did own the biggest and most widespread company in all of South Korea.


"Ah~ Is it morning already " Junmyeon said as he got up and turned off his alarm.He got out of bed and went down to his little brother's room to wake him up but to his surprise he was already up.

"Sehunnie your up already"

"Yup I couldn't really sleep last night" Sehun said while covering up a yawn .

" Now your'e gonna be sleepy all day today and it's your first day " Junmyeon said worriedly " I told you that if you can't sleep that you should come sleep in my room"

"I know but hyung I'm trying to get over that habit....I should be able to sleep by myself" he murmured while pouting.

"Why are you so adorable" Junmyeon cooed while pinching the Sehun's cheek. " I never can stay mad at you."

"Ooow that hurts" Sehun whined while trying to get out of the grips of his older brother. "And we should be getting ready."

Sehun is only 17 years old but he's starting his first day of college. This is because Sehun got all his credits in his junior year of high school so he decided to graduate early. Sehun might seem cold-hearted and hard to approach since he always wears his stone cold expression.He's been like this ever since he could remember, the only time he's not like this is when he's alone with his brother,those times he's the silliest , sassiest and most adorable.


Both the boys get ready, so they eat breakfast and then they head down to the garage . Junmyeon sighed " So which car should I drive Sehunnie, I don't want to drive anything too flashy , you know with all the unwanted attention I already get and now that now that you're attending we're gonna get even more attention and you know how much I hate the attention and -"

"Hyung" Sehun said in a bland tone

"Yes Sehunnie "

"Shut up"

"Why you gotta be so rude" Junmyeon replied trying to sound hurt.

"Whatever just drive the Porsche then" Sehun muttered

" I guess a silver Porsche is less conspicuous than the rest of these.....I just don't want people to be watching me as always" Junmyeon sighed "Last year was horrid, do you know how many people asked me out , guys and girls equally...." Junmyeon was going on and on again but Sehun was the only person he felt like he could tell anything even if he was a sassy little brother.

"Junmyeon hyung" Sehun cut him off mid sentence


"I'll be there with you most of the time so no one will approach you"

"I guess you're right look you'll punch anyone who comes too close, that reminds me, you should smile more,you're gonna scare people and...." Junmyeon continued to lecture Sehun on the reasons why smiling is important.


"Yes Sehunnie"

"Shut up and drive me to school"

"So rude" Junmyeon whispered to himself

Junmyeon drove a good 15 miles before he reached the school. Although they didn't live that far from the campus they decided to stay at the dorms(more like Junmyeon decided) for the 'full college experience'. They had already had their stuff taken in two day prior to their arrival. Junmyeon parked the car and thankfully there wasn't a lot of people on campus as yet or maybe they weren't even awake yet, most likely the latter. Junmyeon had about an hour before his first lecture started. This should be fun he thought before heading to the dorm.

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