Going to Korea

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*Two months earlier*

Kris was at a Saturday night party at his friend's Jackson's house when he felt his phone buzzing, he checked the caller I.D and it was his father."Ah fuck, not right now" he muttered. Kris had to rush upstairs to an empty room, close the door and tried to answer the phone before the phone stopped ringing.The last time he missed a call from his father his father got pissed and cut him off for a whole month,those were the worst days of his life.

"Hello" Kris said as calmly as he could, his father skipped any formalities and went straight to the point

"Kris pack everything you own, you're going to Korea"

"Wait what do you mean pack everything I own and come to Korea"

"Look I don't have time to waste" his father replied "My secretary will call you shortly and explain the details, but right now I have to go". His father hung up the phone before he could utter another word.

Kris frantically began to pace the room. "What does he mean by pack everything I own and go to Korea, I don't know if he realizes this but but I'm starting my third year in about two months from now" Kris said to himself. He sat there for about 10 minutes thinking about the endless possibilities. He jumped at the sound of his ringing phone , making him lose his train of thought. He didn't even bother to look at the caller ID."Hello" Kris muttered

"Hello, Is this Kris?" Asked the person on the other end of the line

"Yes, this is him speaking" he answered

"Ahh good, this is Ms Lee speaking,Mr. your father wants me to explain to you why he wants you to go to Korea"

"Yes" he said pushing her to go on.

"Your father wants you to continue your studies in Korea, You'll be attending the one of the top Universities in Korea, Yonsei University, in the next two months. Now how that sound Yifan?" she finished

Kris exploded "I don't think I like the sound of that at all, what does he mean by that, I'm doing perfectly fine where I am"

"Look Kris I know that you're comfortable where you are, I know you've made friends and such but it's best if you listen to what your father says and try not to make him angry, you know how he gets when he's pissed" Ms Lee encouraged.

Kris was furious at this point "How could he do something like this, I finally have a life that I can finally call my own, no one behind my back telling me what to do or how to live my life. Is he going out of his way to make me miserable" Kris ranted for about two more minutes before Ms Lee interrupted

"Look Kris I know you must be upset but it's best you just do what your father says and try not to cause any problems, now you have one week to get everything ready before your flight."

Kris grudgingly agreed and with that they ended the phone call.

A week has passed by and it was finally time for Kris for to leave, he had already said his goodbyes to all his friends. Jackson and Amber were the saddest to see him go and had promised to visit him in Korea when they went on break. Kris smiled at the thought of them, he sure was going to miss them.

Kris finally arrived in Korea, when he stepped out of the airport he was immediately greeted by a chauffeur standing next to a BMW G30 ,he bowed and opened the door for Kris. Kris got in surprised to see Ms Lee and another person already in the car.

"Uhm not to be rude but who the hell is this" Kris blurted out

"Oh him" she said

"Well obviously" Kris sassed

"This is the son of the Huang family, Zi Tao, he'll be attending Yonsei as well and he'll be accompanying you much like a body guard"

"Really I don't need a body guard-"

Ms Lee cut him off " Look it's your father's wish so it's better you two get acquainted" and with that the car drive continued in silence.

Don't forget to like and comment, also there is an image of the car if you'd like to see how it looks

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